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Pay your apprenticeship tax


The balance of the apprenticeship tax is a compulsory contribution that must be paid each year by the employer for the current calendar year. It helps provide students with the resources they need to succeed at university and enter the world of work.

For the IMPGT (Aix-Marseille Université), payment of the apprenticeship tax is an essential resource to support excellence in training and research, improve the quality and contribute to the professionalization of our courses, encourage pedagogical innovation, promote equal opportunities and the mobility of our students, but also to enable us to improve their living and studying conditions. We also aim to involve companies/administrations in the training of their future employees. Each year, the payment of your tax enables us to:

  • Commitment to operating expenses related to the implementation of new training courses,
  • modernize teaching facilities
  • The deployment of innovative digital teaching methods
  • Purchase documentation
  • Translation of international conferences by professional translators.

Ultimately, our common aim is to support the integration of our students, develop the know-how of your employees and intensify our partnerships.

  • 2023 collection campaign

    In 2023, the way in which the balance of the taxe d'apprentissage is collected and allocated will change! (In application of the Loi pour la Liberté de choisir son Avenir Professionnel of September 5, 2018).

    From now on, URSSAF is responsible for collecting the balance of your apprenticeship tax.

    It is via the SOLTEA platform of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) that you will be able to allocate your 2023 apprenticeship tax balance to the Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale.

  • How to pay the balance of your apprenticeship tax to the IMPGT

    1. DECLARE your 2023 apprenticeship tax balance of 0.09% of your 2022 gross payroll to URSSAF, via the Déclaration Sociale Nominative (DSN) of April 2023. The deadline for payment to URSSAF is May 5, 2023 for companies with +50 employees, and May 15, 2023 for companies with -50 employees.
    2. DESIGNATE the Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale as the recipient of your tax within Aix-Marseille Université, from the end of May to September 7, 2023, via the SOLTEA platform of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, using your SOLTEA identifiers issued on the Net-Entreprises platform.

      IMPGT UAI code: 0133794D
    3. A list of eligible IMPGT training courses is also available in Soltéa, if you wish to pay for a particular course.

Ils nous ont fait confiance en 2023


Guillaume Grégoire
Continuing education manager