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Sciences Management PhD

  • Initial training - continuing education
  • Aix-en-Provence

Presentation of the training

The PhD in Management Sciences at IMPGT is aimed at students who are primarily destined for careers in teaching and research in Management Sciences at IMPGT is aimed at students who are primarily interested in careers in teaching and research. D. graduates also find many opportunities in public administration, local government, business, consulting firms or NGOs. This level of training is particularly appreciated for international careers.

The doctoral program is also a professional research experience that allows the development of a range of skills, both theoretical and methodological, as well as managerial and social. The skills acquired can thus be put to good use in the academic sector as well as in the business or administrative sector.

The doctoral thesis in Management Sciences is a highly demanding personal scientific work with high quality standards. It aims to produce innovative knowledge in the various branches of Management Sciences.

The duration of the thesis, defined by the decree of 25 May 2016, is generally 3 years of full-time equivalent devoted to research and training.

  • Target audience

    Students in initial training, holding a Master 2 or equivalent, wishing to continue their training.

    In continuing education: Professionals in post, wishing to resume and continue their training, either to advance in their career or to reorient it.

  • Skills

    According to the FNEGE reference framework for the skills of a Doctor of Management Sciences:

    Knowledge related to Management Sciences

    • Knowing the major concepts, theories and authors in the field of management
    • Knowing the major epistemological paradigms of the Human and Social Sciences
    • Knowing the main research methodologies in Management Sciences

    Know-how specific to the scientific research activity 

    • Developing a research problem
    • Conceiving, planning, implementing a complex research project
    • Analyzing, interpreting and discussing test results
    • Using appropriate technologies to compile bibliographies, manage databases, collect and disseminate information.
    • Making research work understandable and affordable to different audiences
    • Developing a research activity in an ethical and responsible manner

    Know-how related to scientific communication 

    • Writing a document describing the design, planning, implementation and results of a complex research project (Memorandum of Validation of Research Achievements)
    • Sharing and comparing one's thoughts with other researchers, by expressing oneself on one's field of expertise with one's peers, the scientific community at large.

    Relational and social skills

    • Working in a team and in collaboration with superiors and colleagues in the institution
    • Working in international and intercultural contexts
    • Developing and mobilize its networks (fellow researchers, institutional partners, etc.).
    • Analyzing social demand in order to respond to it in a relevant way.

    Elements of scientific posture 

    • Managing uncertainty
    • Demonstrating creativity and innovation
    • Challenging oneself
    • Showing curiosity
    • Being tenacious
  • Organization of the training

    At IMPGT, doctoral students are an integral part of the community.

    They benefit from the support of the thesis director, possibly accompanied by a co-director. This support is first of all individual and personalized, adapted to the profile of each doctoral student, his/her research project and professional situation.

    In addition to this close individual supervision, doctoral students also benefit from being part of an existing research team, very dynamic and involved in numerous projects.

    Doctoral seminars and workshops are organized throughout the year to enable them to present the progress of their work, including an annual doctoral seminar with the Graduate Institute of Public Administration (IDHEAP) in Lausanne and the Public Governance Institute (KU, Leuven).

    In addition, IMPGT doctoral students are encouraged to produce scientific papers from the first year, as well as to participate in the various conferences of the discipline. Co-authorship of articles, book chapters and papers with other doctoral students and faculty members is strongly encouraged.

    From the 2nd year of the thesis, a thesis monitoring committee is organised annually by three AMU management laboratories (CERGAM, CRET-LOG, LEST).

  • Opportunities


    IMPGT's doctoral program aims to train tomorrow's researchers in academic or applied research, but also those wishing to work in the management sciences and public management (public/parapublic organizations, associations/NGOs, private companies partnering with public organizations, etc.).

    Targeted professions:

    Teaching and research: university professor, researcher

    Business/public administration: consultant, project manager, executive in administrations

  • Admission requirements and rates

    Definitive thesis registrations are validated by the Ecole doctorale 372, Sciences économiques et de gestion d'Aix-Marseille. It brings together doctoral students from Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), Ecole Centrale de Marseille (ECM) and EHESS (Marseille), who work on economic and management themes.

    The Doctoral School has a multidisciplinary vocation, and is based on recognized research units focused on different fields of the Human Sciences. The links existing between these subjects make it possible to reach the critical mass necessary to carry out training at the level of European and international standards.

    To register for a PhD, it is necessary to have a Master's Degree:

    • a Master 2 Research, Studies and Consulting in Management Sciences (hypertext link to M2 research):
    • to have your thesis project* validated by the IMPGT's Research Assessor (Pr.Hernandez)
    • to have dedicated funding (scholarships) or income (e.g. job-related)

    As a reminder:

    • the thesis director must hold a university associate professor accredited to be research director (HDR) or be a University Professor)
    • the subject must be related to the themes of the Public Management axis of the CERGAM laboratory - registration/tuition fees for one year of doctoral studies are: 1, 415€ (in continuing education) 380€ (in initial education)

    If you do not hold a Master 2 in Research, Studies and Consulting in Management Sciences: it is required to have a Research Master in Management Sciences or validated skills in research methods and techniques, for any entry into the doctoral program.

    The Master 2 Research, Studies and Consulting hyperlink to IMPGT's M2 Research offers courses in research methodology in the first semester and specialized seminars in the second. For any Master 2 holder, it is possible to follow only the first semester of courses (cost 2 500€ in continuing education).

    Thesis project* : In order to facilitate the study of your application, please send your thesis project with copies of your diplomas and your CV.

    *The thesis project, a document between 10 and 15 pages, must include the following elements: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Research statement (idea, question) (objectives, hypotheses), Methodological approach or methods, Research plan (including timeline), Expected results and implications (importance) of the research, List of references cited.


Pedagogical Manager :

Solange Hernandez
Research Assessor - Public Management Team CERGAM
University Professor | Academic Director of Master's degree program: Studies and Consulting in Management Science

Other contact :

Joy Plocq
Schooling Manager - Aix