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Prépa Talents IMPGT +

  • In addition to training leading to a Master's degree
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • 200H


In 2021, by responding to the call for expressions of interest prior to the deployment of the Prépas Talents network of the Ministry of Public Transformation and Civil Service, the IMPGT was selected as one of 74 "Prépas Talents". This structuring initiative of the Plan Talents du Service Public (Public Service Talent Plan) is supported by the Ministry of Transformation and the Civil Service, and has a dual objective: to combat self-censorship in the face of competitive examinations, and to diversify the senior civil service by identifying, guiding and supporting talent.

La Prépa IMPGT + offers a Master's-level degree in public management and an intensive preparatory course for civil service entrance examinations.

After two years of existence, the Prépa Talents IMPGT + has achieved good results, with admissions to the IRA, Inspecteur des finances publiques and Attaché territorial competitive entrance exams.

  • Target audience

    The Prépa Talents IMPGT + is open to students wishing to prepare for state civil service (IRA) and local civil service (attaché territoriale) entrance exams.

    Priority is given to students with scholarships, but the program is also open to non-scholarship holders, particularly those with a Bachelor's degree in Public Administration (Licence 3) or a Master's degree in Public Management from the IMPGT.

  • Organization of the IMPGT + Talent Prep program

    To prepare for the competitive entrance exams for the civil service, and to facilitate professional integration in public or private sector organizations, students follow a Master's-level diploma course and an intensive preparatory course.

    Master's degree course in public management (1st and/or 2nd year)

    The intensive preparatory course for the competitive examination
    Students follow 200 hours of thematic courses (public law, public finance, economics, general local culture, etc.) and methodological courses for the competitive examination, with practice tests (summary note, case study, essay, MCQ, oral).

    Experienced teachers are category A and A+ civil servants with expertise in preparing for competitive examinations. Some of them are also jury members (IRA/Attaché Territorial). They come from a wide range of institutions, including the French National Assembly, the State and local authorities.

    In addition, students benefit from :

    • tutoring/mentoring to help them succeed in the competitive examination - minimum 2 hours per month
    • access to all IMPGT courses to enhance their general knowledge (subject to timetable compatibility and availability of course materials from the teachers concerned)
    • an internship. Master 1: from June (at least 1 month) or Master 2: from May (at least 2 months)
  • Advantages of IMPGT + Talent Prep

    By joining the Prépa Talents IMPGT, students benefit from the following advantages:

    • Free training leading to a diploma
    • Personalized tutoring
    • A €4,000 annual scholarship
    • Assistance with accommodation and meals
    • The possibility of an internship in a government department
  • First results from the IMPGT + Talent Prep program

    After its first year of existence, the Prépa Talents IMPGT + is achieving good results.

    • For the October 2022 session of the IRA competitive entrance exam, 4 of our 7 students were eligible and 3 were admitted.
    • For the November 2022 session of the public finance inspector exam, out of the 2 students who took part, 1 was eligible and 1 was admitted.
    • For the November 2022 session of the Attaché territorial competitive examination, 3 of our 6 students were admitted. The results of the orals will be known later.
  • Admission requirements

    Admission is subject to application and individual interview.

    Master 1 : from June 2024
    After being admitted to Mon Master, apply on E-candidat by selecting "Prépa Talents Master 1 Management public".

    In Master 2 : from April 02 to June 15, 2024
    Apply on Ecandidat by selecting the Master of your choice + "PREPA TALENTS":

    • Master 2 public management: Public administration management PREPA TALENTS
    • Master 2 public management: Public law and management of local authorities PREPA TALENTS
    • Master 2 public management: Territorial security and management - PREPA TALENTS


Education Manager :

Marius Bertolucci
Lecturer | Academic Director of Talent Prep IMPGT +

Schooling department :

Mona Bouder
Schooling Manager - Aix