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Work-linked training


Since 2016, the IMPGT has been gradually introducingalternating courses in some of its training programs.

Alternance defines a rhythm of study and a mode of transmission. It is characterized by a succession of periods of knowledge acquisition: at the IMPGT and in the field, in a host structure. It' s a real gateway to employment and professional integration , enabling you to obtain a diploma while training in a profession through immersion in the life and culture of the company/administration.

Thework-study program at the IMPGT takes a number of different forms, all of which meet the same objective: to enhance students' skills by combining work in a company/administration with theoretical training:

  • apprenticeship contract
  • professionalization contract
  • training agreement
  • internship agreement

Advantages of sandwich courses

For the student

Work-study programs enable students to :

  • choose a high-level diploma course that meets companies' needs from a wide choice of professions
  • benefit from personalized, high-quality support throughout their training, provided by the apprentice master/company tutor and the university tutor
  • study at university while gaining initial experience in the workplace
  • be financially independent, and start making contributions for your future (retirement, unemployment)
  • be operational as soon as they finish their studies, enabling them to make numerous contacts
  • develop skills, acquire a professional attitude and enter the job market more effectively

For the company / administration

The work-study program is an opportunity for the company/administration to :

  • test a future employee in terms of educational progress, as part of a pre-employment strategy
  • choose to invest in training for the future
  • enter into a partnership with the university and make its needs heard there
  • access a pool of highly-skilled candidates for future recruitment needs
  • anticipate retirements while maintaining and transferring skills
  • develop partnerships to optimize its territorial reach and attractiveness
  • enhance its employer brand
  • benefit from financial aid and exemption from social security contributions

Apprenticeship contract

Apprentices have dual status as students and employees (initial training).

As such, they sign an employment contract with an employer (in the form of a CERFA), while retaining access to the services provided by the university (CROUS) and, subject to certain income conditions, to family benefits (CAF) or social benefits (unemployment). They contribute towards their retirement.

They also benefit from CFA support (assistance with driving license, first equipment, etc.). The IMPGT's partner in managing apprenticeship contracts is FORMASUP Méditerranée.

  • Who can benefit from an apprenticeship contract?

    Students up to the age of 30 (or 29).

    Certain groups may sign an apprenticeship contract beyond this age limit:

    • apprentices wishing to sign a new contract in order to obtain a higher level of qualification than the one they have already obtained
    • people recognized as disabled workers
    • people planning to set up or take over a business requiring the diploma or qualification in question
    • high-level athletes
  • How much does an apprenticeship contract pay?

    Remuneration under an apprenticeship contract is guaranteed by a salary scale:

    SITUATION 18-20 years old 21-25 years old 26 years and over
    1st year 43% of minimum wage 53% of minimum wage 100% of minimum wage
    2nd year 51% of minimum wage 61% of minimum wage 100% of minimum wage
    3rd year 67% of minimum wage 78% of minimum wage 100% of minimum wage
  • What type of structure should I sign an apprenticeship contract with?

    The apprenticeship contract can be signed with a private or public-sector structure.

  • How are training costs covered?

    Private-sector structure: all or part of the funding may be provided by the OPCOs of the professional sector (prior application can be made to them).

    Find out more about aid for hiring a work-study student

    Public sector: from its own funds or CNFPT contribution: the Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale contributes to the training costs of apprentices employed by the Communes, Départements, Régions or public establishments under its authority (Decree no. 2020-786 of June 26, 2020).


Apprenticeship contracts :

Rim Dupuis
Apprenticeship Development Officer
Laurene Ciccolini-Frattini
Educational engineer
Cécile Bussière
Apprenticeship Training Development Officer

Professionalization contract

The work-study student has dual status: continuing education trainee - employee.

The "contrat de professionnalisation" is an employment contract between an employer and an employee (alternant). It enables the acquisition - within the framework of continuing education - of a professional qualification (diploma, title, certificate of professional qualification, etc.) recognized by the State and/or the professional sector. The aim is to help young people and adults enter or return to employment.

As part of the work-study program, students sign a fixed-term or open-ended employment contract with an employer (in the form of a CERFA), while retaining access to the services provided by the university (CROUS) and, subject to certain income conditions, to family benefits (CAF) or social benefits (unemployment). He/she contributes towards his/her pension.

This contract must be sent to the OPCO within 5 days of signature.
The missions and the host structure must be approved by the training supervisor.


Work-study contracts :

Guillaume Grégoire
Continuing education manager

Internship agreement

Students can follow a sandwich course (initial or continuing training) by signing an internship agreement. The agreement defines the scope of the assignment and must be signed by the 3 parties involved:

  • the student trainee,
  • the host company/administration,
  • IMPGT (Aix-Marseille University)

Both the assignment and the host company must be approved by the course supervisor.

  • How much is the internship bonus?

    Gratuity is paid if, during the same academic year, the duration of the internship exceeds :

    • 2 consecutive months (equivalent to 44 days at 7 hours a day)
    • or from the 309th hour of the internship, even if it is not continuous.

    Below these thresholds, the host organization is under no obligation to pay a gratuity.

    The amount of the bonus must be indicated on the internship agreement. The minimum hourly rate is €3.90 per hour of internship, corresponding to 15% of the hourly social security ceiling (i.e. €26 x 0.15) until 12/31/2020. From January 1, 2021, the amount must be in line with the rate in force for the 2021 calendar year.

  • What type of structure should I sign an internship agreement with?

    The internship agreement can be signed with a private or public sector organization.

    The assignments and the host organization must be approved by the course supervisor.


Contact the school administrator for the course concerned.

IMPGT's sandwich courses

Licence 3 Administration Publique - Public management career path

  • Initial or continuing training
  • Aix-en-provence
  • In alternation

Exclusively a work-study program, this 3rd year course gives a global and sector-based vision of public management, and provides in-depth knowledge of management tools in a French and international public sector context, while at the same time foreshadowing the Master's program.

Master in Management and Law of Cultural Organizations and Events

  • Initial or continuing training
  • Aix-en-provence
  • Alternance
  • Classement Eduniversal 2024 : 17e

The aim of this program is to train managers who are specialists in the cultural sector in the broadest sense, and to provide them with the tools, techniques and knowledge they need for a professional career in this sector, with dual managerial and legal skills.

Master in public management - Management of health and social establishments course

  • Initial or continuing training
  • Aix-en-provence
  • Alternance
  • Eduniversal ranking: 13th

This course of study in the Master's in Public Management prepares students for managerial and executive positions in the fast-changing healthcare and social sector, while defending its human values.

Master in public management - Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing course

  • Initial or continuing training
  • Aix-en-provence
  • Alternance
  • Classement Eduniversal 2024 : 7e

This Master's degree in public management is designed to enhance professional skills, with the acquisition of the fundamentals and concepts needed to implement territorial attractiveness and marketing initiatives.

Master of Public Management - Public Marketing and Communication specialization

  • Initial or continuing training
  • Aix-en-provence
  • Alternance
  • Eduniversal ranking: 3rd

The aim of this Public Management Masters course is to acquire the knowledge and skills required to become a specialist in the public sector and an expert in marketing and communication, while at the same time acquiring the management culture of non-profit organizations.

Master in public management - Quality management and societal risk management course

  • Initial or continuing training
  • Aix (1st year) Marseille (2nd year)
  • Alternance
  • Eduniversal ranking: 9th

The aim of this Master's degree in public management is to train future quality, environment and risk managers for both public and private organizations, through theoretical and practical courses, and by exposing them to real-life situations.

Master in public management - Territorial security and management course

  • Initial or continuing training
  • Aix (1st year) Marseille and ENSOSP (2nd year)
  • Alternance

This Public Management Master's program is in partnership with ENSOSP. It is aimed at the territorial security sector, particularly in terms of civil security, to equip organizations to prevent territorial risks in line with recent developments.

Master in public management - Public administration management course

  • Initial or continuing training
  • Aix-en-provence
  • Alternance
  • Eduniversal ranking: 5th

This Master's in Public Management prepares students for management and support functions in organizations that implement public policies and services. It provides the skills needed to design, implement and manage public policies and services.