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Training yourself and your teams

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Continuing education - an integral part of lifelong learning - is a learning process that enables the acquisition of new skills, promoting the employability of individuals, the competitiveness of companies / administrations and accessibility to knowledge and research.

A key player in lifelong learning, it is aimed at people who are already in the workforce and/or returning to school:

  • Employees
  • Job-seekers
  • People whose diploma is more than 2 years old, who are returning to school
  • People on a professionalization contract last year, or those wishing to sign a professionalization contract

All those taking part in a continuing education course are referred to as "continuing education trainees".

  • Admission requirements for continuing education

    All courses offered by the IMPGT, from Bachelor's to Doctorate degrees, are accessible through continuing education, provided that the application procedure is followed and that the required diploma level can be demonstrated. Admission is subject to application.

    Depending on the level of training you wish to apply for, and your previous course of study, the steps to be taken vary.

    The VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels) system is available for people who do not have the required level to enter the training program.

  • Validation of prior learning VAP - VAE

    What isValidation des Acquis Professionnels - VAP?

    Validation des Acquis Professionnels (V.A.P.) enables students to enter a university course without the required diploma, by validating professional experience (salaried or not), training courses taken or personal achievements developed outside any training system (for example, a bac+3 for entry into the second year of a master's degree - Bac +5).

    Before submitting any application, please contact the IMPGT Continuing Education Department.

    What is Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience - VAE?

    Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (V.A.E.) enables you to obtain a diploma, title or certificate of professional qualification. The University of Aix-Marseille offers the possibility of validating :

    • the national diplomas it awards (unless otherwise stipulated), listed in the French National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP)
    • institutional diplomas registered in the specific repertoire (RS).

    The Continuing Professional Education Department is at your disposal for any further information you may require concerning the implementation of these validation procedures in line with your personal and/or professional project.

  • Contrat de professionnalisation (to follow a sandwich course)

    The "contrat de professionnalisation" is an employment contract between an employer and an employee/trainee in continuing education. It enables the acquisition - within the framework of continuing education - of a professional qualification (diploma, title, certificate of professional qualification, etc.) recognized by the State and/or the professional sector. The aim is to help young people and adults enter or return to employment.

  • Rates

    Tuition fees vary according to course specialization.

  • Financing solutions

    Depending on your status, you may be eligible for different types of reimbursement for your training costs:

    Employees :

    • Personal training account
    • Employer financing
    • Professional transition project (PTP Transition Pro)
    • Professional training leave (CFP) (civil service)
    • Professionalization contract
    • Skills development plan
    • OPCO (operator of competence) according to professional branch (AFDAS, ATLAS, Opcommerce, AKTO, etc)
    • FAF (Fonds d'Assurance Formation) (e.g. FIFPL, AGEFICE, FAFCEA..etc)

    Jobseekers or unemployed people :

    • Professionalization contract
    • Personal training account
    • France Travail (formerly Pole Emploi)
    • Mission locale (see your referent)
    • Regional assistance *

    *For jobseekers in the PACA region: scheme Pass Sud Formation

  • Continuing education regulations

    Commitment to training :

    Extract from the regulatory text (C.G.V. general sales conditions): "The fact of placing an order, notably by sending a registration form, an e-mail, a letter, an order form or an agreement, implies the customer's full and unreserved acceptance of the present general sales conditions."

    Attendance :

    Extract from the contractual text (professional training contract) :

    Article 4 : CONDITIONS PARTICULIÈRES DE LA FORMATION " The trainee undertakes to comply with the requirements for attendance and the submission of work (reports, minutes, dissertations, etc.) as stipulated in the training course. If the training takes place face-to-face, the trainee is required to attend all classes and to sign a sign-in sheet for each half-day, as a record of the course's completion.
    The trainee acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the specific arrangements made for his/her training, and undertakes to comply with them. "

    The certificate, duly completed and signed, must be returned to the Continuing Education Office at the end of each month, and signed by the trainee and the employer (if employed).


Continuing education :

Guillaume Grégoire
Continuing education manager

Do you have specific training needs for your employees?

In partnership with Aix-Marseille Université's Continuing Professional Training Department, the IMPGT can adapt to your needs and create short non-degree courses.


Customized training :

Guillaume Grégoire
Continuing education manager
Khaled Sabouné
In charge of corporate relations and continuing education
Lecturer | Academic Director of Master's degree programs : Health and Social establishments Manageme Year 1-2