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Research Projects


    • Year: 2021-2025
    • Project : The current health crisis - like previous crises - renews the importance of critical research in Human and Social Sciences (HSS). By accentuating the planetary challenges requiring a rethinking of the sustainability of our ecosystem, it imposes the need to reflect on new and alternative ways of making society and responding to contemporary economic, social, environmental and political issues (Adler 2014; Barin Cruz et al. 2017; Cheney 2014). As a result, any approach that contributes to a transition towards a more sustainable model seems necessary and desirable. The agricultural sector, due to its multifunctionality (health and food safety, accessibility and sustainability of food resources, product quality, protection of resources and the environment, management and sharing of rural areas, etc.) is particularly sensitive to these sustainable development issues (Sommer et al. 2018)
    • Project objectives: The aim of this project is to study the arrival of a new cooperative actor in the agricultural sector - the Sociétés Coopératives d'Intérêt Collectif (SCIC). The aim of this research project is to determine to what extent, why and how SCICs, which are The ambition of this research project is thus to determine to what extent, why and how SCICs, which bring about social innovation, destabilise the agricultural sector. 
    • Dedicated team: 2 researchers (9 in management sciences, 2 in economics and 1 in sociology) Multi-site team - Toulouse (9), Montpellier (1) and Aix-Marseille (2) - made up of researchers who are part of the network of the main coordinator, Charlène ARNAUD
  • COGOV (H2020)

    • Year: 2018-2022
    • Co Production and Co Governance: Strategic Management, Public Value and Co Creation in the Renewal of Public Agencies across Europe - project Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies - CULT-COOP-11-2016/2017: Understanding the transformation of European public administrations
    • Project objectives: This project aims to contribute to the renewal of European public administrations by locating, exploring, and disseminating state-of-the-art experiences of new and more participatory approaches to citizens across Europe.

      This involves identifying the practical application of emerging public management paradigms: new public value, new public governance, digital era governance, participatory public sector approaches (co-design, co-production, co-evaluation of public services and policies).
    • Dedicated team: 6 teacher-researchers, 2 associate experts, 5 trainees, 3 research engineers
    • Global budget : 4 559 299€ AMU-IMPGT team budget : 380 167€
    • Partners: Project carried out by a consortium of 9 European partners - coordinated by Northumbria University
  • INTERREG Grande Région SDTGR - Spatial Development Perspective of the Greater Region

    • Year: 2018-2021
    • Description : The SDTGR project should lead to a Territorial Development Plan (SDTGR) shared by all the actors of the Greater Region. The SDTGR should make it possible to stimulate innovation within the Greater Region and to increase its attractiveness, in particular through the identification of the challenges and opportunities arising from the current socio-economic development dynamics and the definition of an integrated polycentric and cross-border strategy, which should increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Greater Region. The first action consists in building a shared knowledge base and a common language. This will involve establishing diagnoses based on socio-economic and territorial indicators to spatialise the problems and produce a cartographic series of presentations of risks and opportunities. On the basis of these results, the territorial development strategy will be drawn up and actions to be taken to ensure an operational component will be identified. In order to achieve a shared result, the work will be the subject of participatory cross-border workshops bringing together local stakeholders and thematic experts in order to strengthen the support of the stakeholders of the Greater Region. The SDTGR project works in close cooperation with the Inte rreg V A Greater Region United GR - Center for Border Studies and MMUST projects, in order to ensure overall coherence and knowledge transfer between scientific, institutional and operational actors.
    • Dedicated team: 3 teacher-researchers, 1 doctoral student, 1 research engineer
    • Budget: €1,491,628
    • Partners: University of Liège - Ministerium für Inneres, Bauen und Sport - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research - Moselle Attractivité - Ministerium des Inneren und für Sport Rheinland-Pfalz - Université libre de Bruxelles - Université catholique de Louvain
  • Yvelines Departmental Territory - Cultural policy

    • Year: 2017-2019
    • Research-action Research-action project with the Cultural Development Pole of the Departmental Council of Yvelines (78) under the direction of C. Arnaud and S. Serval - Partnership agreement between the Departmental Council of Yvelines (78) and ISM - UVSQ

      Methodological expertise - conducting semi-directive interviews
    • Dedicated team: 3 researchers
    • Partners: Cultural Development Centre of the Yvelines Departmental Council (78) and ISM - UVSQ
  • COST LocRef

    • Year: 2013-2017
    • European Programme - European Cooperation in Science and Technology "Local Public Sector Reforms: International Comparisons" (COST Action IS1207) - Member of the management committee for France (alongside Gérard Marcou) - Co-direction of Working Group 2 (WP2: "Internal (post-) NPM reforms " of European Local Governments"), with Riccardo MUSSARI (Italy) & Hilde BJORNA (Norway) - Animation of the network of young researchers (early stage researchers)
    • Dedicated team: 1 researcher
    • Partners: 25 European universities + Iceland- Israel-Switzerland- Sweden- Norway- Albania
  • Deaconesses

    • Year: 2016-2017
    • Organizational diagnosis of human resources and suffering in the workplace
    • Dedicated team: 2 researchers, 1 PhD student, 1 trainee
    • Budget : 10 000 €.
  • Contemporary music

    • Year: 2012-2014
    • Functional diagnosis of the sector and of the Current Music sectors " Research program " (Design and direction of a research program in mixed methods : Axis 1: Operators of the territory - conduct of about forty semi-directive interviews; Axis 2: Audiences - administration and processing of a public questionnaire; Axis 3: Artists' trajectories - organization and animation of focus groups with amateur and professional artists.

      Public release: 26 June 2014 - Conservatoire D. Milhaud of Aix-en-Provence.
    • Dedicated team: 11 researchers, 3 trainees
    • Budget: €176,315
    • Partners: Communauté du Pays d'Aix
  • FIAL

    • Year: 2012-2014
    • Evaluation of the Opera awareness actions carried out by the Festival International d'Art lyrique d' Aix-en-Provence (FIAL) since 2007 Axis 2: Design of the research-action approach - coordination and animation of focus groups: production of steering tools, guides for collective interviews, production of summaries
    • Dedicated team: 7 researchers, 2 trainees
    • Budget: 35 339 €.
    • Partners: Festival International d'Art lyrique d'Aix-en-Provence
  • Economy of culture and knowledge

    • Year: 2013
    • Action research - Euro-Mediterranean territory - cultural and creative industries Follow-up and elaboration of the project - organisation of working meetings - drafting of the different study documents and translation into English - search for partners - participation in the different European calls for tenders - drafting of a final report.
    • Dedicated team: 3 researchers
    • Partners: Institut de la Méditerranée
  • By the villages

    • Year: 2011-2012
    • Evaluation, assessment and prospects of the event: By the Villages Research programme (Design and management of the research programme: Axis 1. Identify the motivations of the actors involved in the organisation of the event "By the Villages" (Artists' Collective and Partners); Axis 2. Evaluate the perception of the event by the actors of the impacted territory (Artists' Collective, Partners, Institutional Environment); Axis 3. Analyse the specificities of "By the villages" (Innovative nature, contributions of such an approach, putting it into perspective).
    • Dedicated team: 5 researchers, 1 trainee
    • Budget: 10 000 €.
    • Partners: UPCAM
  • Picasso-Aix 2009

    • Year: 2009-2010
    • Sustainable socio-economic impact of the "Picasso-Aix 2009" event Design and management of a "pathfinder" evaluation using a mixed methodology. Axis 1. Identify and measure the economic, social and civic impact of the event; Axis 2. Identifying the degree of satisfaction and expectations of stakeholders and the population - Conducting 70 semi-directive interviews with the members of the organisation holding the event and their main partners; administration and processing of a public questionnaire (1200 respondents).
    • Dedicated team: 4 researchers, 2 trainees
    • Budget: 95 000 €.
    • Partners: UPCAM-CPA-CCIMP

    • Year: 2009-2010
    • Foresight and territorial strategies within the framework of the mutualisation of State services 
    • Dedicated team: 1 Associate Professor, 1 MCF, 2 trainees
    • Budget : 72 500 €.
    • Partners: DREAL PACA