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Mohamed Abdellaoui
Administrative Manager
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Christophe Alaux
Dean IMPGT & ANMT Chair
Julia Aubert
Executive Assistant
General Services
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Patrick Bezançon
Finance Manager
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Céline Car Oberlin
Chair of Continuing Professional Development
Camille Dessendier
Communication Officer
Clara Moïa
Communication assistant
Registrar's office
Mona Bouder
Schooling Manager - Aix
Elodie Compain
Head of registrar's office
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Delphine Damour
Master's degree program Registrar: MDOMC (Year 1-2), MP (Year 1)
Sandrine Fournier
Master's degree program Registrar : MESS (Year 1-2) | MAP, DMPCT, MCP, ANMT (Year 2)
Jenny Ottosson
Master's degree program Registrar : MQGRS - MDDGTPMI - SMT (Year 2) ; in charge of international relations
Joy Plocq
Schooling Manager - Aix
Charlotte Zekhnini
Bachelor's degree educational engineer
Professional Partnerships
Cécile Bussière
Apprenticeship Training Development Officer
Laurene Ciccolini-Frattini
Educational engineer
Rim Dupuis
Apprenticeship Development Officer
Guillaume Grégoire
Continuing education manager
Julie Cardi
Research engineer
Claire Couvret
Research officer in Place Marketing - A&NMT Chair
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Christine Cuenca
Benchmarking and Research Promotion Manager - A&NMT Chair
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Annie Delanghe
Project Manager - A&NMT Chair
Hakim Hdouch
Communication Officer - A&NMT Chair
Assessors & Project Managers
Djelloul Arezki
Laura Carmouze
Solange Hernandez
Research Assessor - Public Management Team CERGAM
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Emmanuelle Moustier
In charge of cross-functionality
Khaled Sabouné
In charge of corporate relations and continuing education
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Anaïs Saint Jonsson
Training assessor
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Emil Turc
In charge of European public administration networks
Technical service - logistics
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Romain Gastaldi
Logistics and technical agent
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Benjamin Noël
Logistics and Technical Agent
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Marek Przekaza
Logistics and technical agent
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Lila Rahou
Logistics and technical agent
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Stéphane Romero
Logistics and technical agent