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Master in public management - Territorial security and management (1st and 2nd year)

  • Initial training - continuing education
  • Aix (1st year) Marseille and ENSOSP premises (2nd year)
  • Alternance

Training presentation

Strategic developments at both territorial and ministerial levels are leading to the need to manage security and defense in a grouped, interdepartmental fashion, linking the various territorial levels in a highly coordinated way, with professions that previously acted separately. These new logics mean that the sector needs to develop ad hoc skills that public and private organizations are already feeling the pinch. The aim of this Master's program is to respond to these challenges, while taking advantage of a major partnership with operators in the sector.

The Master's program is designed to build skills over two years. The first year covers the theoretical, legal and technical aspects of public administration, while the second year focuses on the territorial security sector, particularly in terms of civil security, in order to provide territorial security organizations with managerial and legal tools, in line with recent developments in the sector. This training program has been developed in partnership with the École Nationale Supérieure des Officiers de Sapeurs-Pompiers, based in Aix-en-Provence. Its aim is to train local and regional executives whose activities contribute to the management of local and regional safety. In particular, this means developing a scientific culture and an openness to multi-disciplinarity, in the service of the safety issues that arise in terms of territorial management.

This Master can be combined with the IMPGT + Talent Prep

  • Target audience

    • Initial training : having completed a Bachelor's degree, mainly in management, economics or law, or a degree equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.

    • Continuing education: professionals in equivalent positions in the public or private sector, in line with the professional development or consolidation project proposed by this program.

  • Skills

    In line with the objectives of the training program, blocks of knowledge and skills (BCC) are offered.

    Master 1:

    • Understanding the environment of public and non-profit organizations
    • Managing public policies in a context of societal transition
    • Managing in public, non-profit and community organizations
    • Apply a scientific method to public and territorial management
    • Prepare/reflect on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world

    In Master 2 :

    • Understand the environment of organizations involved in territorial security
    • Managing public policies to steer resilient territories
    • Manage organizations by implementing protection and prevention measures
    • Apply a scientific method to build and disseminate knowledge in the field of territorial security
    • Develop your career path and your commitment to society by promoting your expertise within a professional network
  • Training organization

    Courses are taught every six months, in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    > Master 1
    Work-study or compulsory 2-month internship

    In the first semester, students follow a core curriculum focusing on the skills essential to future managers. In the second semester, a system of options (by block) enables students to define their career plans and move towards the "Territorial Security and Management" field, or towards other sectors of public management in which they wish to develop.

    > Master 2

    Students attend 12 weeks of classes in Marseille (Site de la Canebière) or in Aix-en-Provence on the ENSOSP site (1 week per month). They also benefit from work experience (around 3 weeks a month) and have exams spread out over the academic year, enabling them to go back and forth with the field.

    Theoretical and practical courses are combined with field experience, thanks to in situ visits and simulation exercises with socio-economic partners. Academics and practitioners from a variety of fields, including civil protection, local authorities and other public administrations, are involved in the curriculum.

    Students wishing to prepare for state and local civil service entrance examinations can take an intensive preparatory course: the IMPGT Talents in Public Services preparatory course + ..

    Courses are taught every six months, in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    > Master 1
    Work-study or compulsory 2-month internship

    In the first semester, students follow a core curriculum focusing on the skills essential to future managers. In the second semester, a system of options (by block) enables students to define their career plans and move towards the "Territorial Security and Management" field, or towards other sectors of public management in which they wish to develop.

    > Master 2

    Students attend 12 weeks of classes in Marseille (Site de la Canebière) or in Aix-en-Provence on the ENSOSP site (1 week per month). They also benefit from work experience (around 3 weeks a month) and have exams spread out over the academic year, enabling them to go back and forth with the field.

    Theoretical and practical courses are combined with field experience, thanks to in situ visits and simulation exercises with socio-economic partners. Academics and practitioners from a variety of fields, including civil protection, local authorities and other public administrations, are involved in the curriculum.

    Students wishing to prepare for state and local civil service entrance examinations can take an intensive preparatory course: the IMPGT Talents in Public Services preparatory course + ..

  • Training content

    Course content for the 2024-2025 academic year (indicative - subject to change)

    Master 1 - semesters 1 and 2

    Courses shared with the 8 Master's courses in Public Management (except MESS)

    • Understanding the environment of public and non-market organizations: Conceptual and theoretical foundations: French public institutions and the main principles of public management, Administrative law for the public manager, Economic mechanisms and policies, Societal issues and public policies: cross-disciplinary approaches, European institutions and governance, Public policies and systems: sectoral approaches, Opening lectures and workshops.
    • Managing public policies in a context of societal transition: Societal issues and public policies: cross-disciplinary approaches, Designing public policies: innovation and co-creation, Managing a territory, Public policies and systems: sectoral approaches, Managing and evaluating a public policy.
    • Managing in public, non-market and public-interest organizations: Conceptual and theoretical foundations: French public institutions and the main principles of public management, Design and organizational behavior, Project management (tools and methods), Leadership and team management, Managing the performance of public organizations. Specialties in SMT management functions: Evaluation of user-perceived quality, Societal issues and environmental public policies, Changes in local authorities, European mutual aid mechanisms for territories.
    • Applying a scientific method to public and territorial management: Public policy design: innovation and co-creation, Territorial management, Design and organizational behavior, Research methods: information processing and retrieval, Quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Option 1: Public manager ethics and deontology, Option 2: Research awareness
    • Preparing/reflecting on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world : Research methods: information processing and retrieval, English, Accompanying the student in the professional world.

    Cross-disciplinary courses: Serious Game, Internship or apprenticeship

    Master 2 - semesters 3 and 4

    • Understanding the environment of organizations contributing to territorial security: Local authority law, Public order and liberties, Security and responsibility, Territorial knowledge, Economics of security, Role-playing.
    • Manage public policies to steer resilient
    • resilient territories : Territorial knowledge, Territorial data analysis, Diagnostic methods, Risk scenarios, Security economics, Capability response design, Role-playing, Dissertation
    • Managing in organizations by implementing protection and prevention measures: Security and responsibility, Feedback, Intelligence and cybersecurity, Role-playing games
    • Apply a scientific method to build and disseminate knowledge on territorial security: Analysis of territorial data, Diagnostic method, Feedback, Dissertation
    • Develop your career path and your commitment to society by promoting your expertise within a professional network: Role-playing games, Dissertation
  • Further studies and career opportunities

    Further study:

    • At the end of the 1st year of the Master's program: students can continue their studies in the 2nd year of the Public Management Master's program in Territorial Security and Management, or in one of the 8 other programs in this Master's program offered at the IMPGT, or in one of the other Master's programs in Law-Economics-Management.

    • At the end of the two-year Master's program, students can go on to study for a Doctorate in Management Sciences.

    Career opportunities :
    Graduates of this Master's program can enter the field of homeland security by joining the State or local civil service (with the possibility of joining the "Prépa Talents du Service Public" program offered at the IMPGT, to prepare for the competitive entrance exams). Graduates can also enter the private sector through consulting organizations or civil security research bodies at territorial, national or European level.

  • Admission requirements

    Admission is subject to application.
    French language level required and recommended: C1 - C2

    • Master 1 - on the Mon Master platform
      Candidates with a Bachelor's degree, mainly in management, economics or law, or with a degree equivalent to a Bachelor's degree. Applicants from political or social sciences or other backgrounds are also considered, provided they can demonstrate a good academic level and a clear motivation to change direction. A refresher MOOC is available for students who do not come from specialized management or public sector backgrounds.

    • Master 2 - on the E-Candidat platform
      Candidates who have completed the first year of a Master's degree in Public Management, or who have completed other university courses (law, economics, management), or who hold equivalent positions in the public or private sector, in line with the professional development or consolidation project proposed by this program.

    VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels) is available for students who do not have the required level to enter the program.

  • Partnerships & training highlights

    This course has been developed in partnership with the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Officiers de Sapeurs-Pompiers based in Aix-en-Provence.

    Logo de l'école nationale supérieure des officiers de sapeurs pompiers


Educational managers :

Photo du contact
Céline Du Boys
Lecturer | Academic Director of Master's degree programs : Public Management Year 1 / Public Administrations Management Year 2
Hamid Bachir Bendaoud
Photo du contact
Anaïs Saint Jonsson
Training assessor
Lecturer | Academic Director of Master's degree programs : MQGRS Year 2 and SMT Year 2
Bruno Tiberghien
Lecturer | Academic Director of Master's degree programs : MQGRS Year 2 and SMT Year 2

Schooling department :

Mona Bouder
Schooling Manager - Aix
Jenny Ottosson
Master's degree program Registrar : MQGRS - MDDGTPMI - SMT (Year 2) ; in charge of international relations

Bureau de l'alternance :

Cécile Bussière
Apprenticeship Training Development Officer