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Bachelor's degree 3 Public administration - public management career path

  • Initial training - continuing education
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • In alternation

Training presentation

The Bachelor's degree in Public Administration provides a progressive acquisition of multi-disciplinary knowledge in the fields of law, economics and management, extended to the humanities and information and communication sciences, and applied to the context of a changing public sector.

Accessible after the first two years of a Bachelor's degree, this public management career path, which is exclusively a sandwich course, offers management courses in the fundamental disciplines of management applied to the public sector, promoting a deeper understanding of management tools in a French and international public context. It is complemented by new disciplines (strategy, management control, quality, information systems), enabling students to discover sectors of activity (environment, culture, health and social services, etc.) that will prefigure their Master's degree orientation.

  • Target audience

    Licence 3 is open to students who have completed a second year of training in the fields of law, economics and management, including those who have completed the Licence 2 Administration publique (Public Administration) public management course.

  • Skills

    In line with the training objectives, 3 blocks of knowledge and skills (BCC) are proposed:

    BCC 1: Develop a professional posture by adapting written and oral communication skills

    BCC 2 : Apply public management practices using appropriate processes and tools

    BCC 3: Experiment with a scientific approach using mixed methods

    to analyze the public environment

  • Training organization

    Organized on a work-study basis, students with apprenticeship or continuing education contracts pursue their studies at an average rate of one week of teaching and three weeks of professional training within host organizations. These are companies, government agencies, local authorities, associations or joint organizations involved in public services and regional development.

    Courses are taught every six months, in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    To complete the Bachelor's degree, students must earn a total of 180 credits, including 60 in 3rd year.

    Odd semester = 262h (S5) - Even semester 180h (S6) - Year 442h

  • Training content

    Courses for the 2024-2025 academic year

    Semesters 4 and 5 :

    EU organization and institutions

    Strategy in public organizations

    Evaluation in public organizations

    Quality in public services

    Human resources management in the public sector

    Budget and debt management

    Marketing and communication in public organizations

    Topical issues

    Management control

    Information systems and knowledge management in the public sector

    Qualitative and quantitative survey methods

    Personal and Professional Project



    Dissertation and defense

  • Further studies & career opportunities

    Further study:

    Students can pursue their studies in the various Master's degrees in Law-Economics-Management offered by the IMPGT, the Faculty of Law and Political Science, the Faculty of Economics and Management, the IAE or the IEP. They can also choose to prepare for government entrance examinations requiring a Bachelor's degree.

    Job opportunities :

    The careers targeted are those of the main administrative entrance examinations requiring a Bachelor's degree (state, local and hospital civil service) and more broadly those of the public sector, as well as careers in the private sector related to the latter in the fields of law, management, information, communication and the media.

  • Admission requirements

    Access to this program is open to students holding the first four semesters (Licence 3) of a Licence in the law-economics-management field, or equivalent bac+2 diplomas (preparatory classes, BTS and DUT, etc.).

    VES (Validation des Etudes Supérieures), VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels) or VAE (Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience) schemes are available for students who do not have the required level.

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Portraits of IMPGTians - IMPGTiennes

Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Burbuqe FERA
Métier actuel
Protocol Officer - Martigues City Hall
Mon métier en 3 mots
Rigueur, bienveillance, organisation
I am in charge of protocol for the City of Martigues. My work consists in organizing commemorative ceremonies, receptions and protocol time for the city of Martigues. I am in charge of preparing the invitations as well as distributing them, and I also write the protocol procedures. In my job, we have frequent […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Burbuqe FERA
Métier actuel
Protocol Officer - Martigues City Hall
Bachelor of Public Administration (2016-2019)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Rigueur, bienveillance, organisation

I am in charge of protocol for the City of Martigues. My work consists in organizing commemorative ceremonies, receptions and protocol time for the city of Martigues. I am in charge of preparing the invitations as well as distributing them, and I also write the protocol procedures. In my job, we have frequent relations with the elected officials, all the services of the City. But also, with the economic, social and cultural institutional partners of the community.

What I like most in my job :

  • Working in a team
  • Organizing ceremonies
  • Working in parallel with several partners

Degree obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor of Public Administration (2016-2019)

Bachelor of Public Administration (2016-2019)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Manon FRAU
Métier actuel
Head of the Municipal Assembly Department - City of Créteil
Mon métier en 3 mots
Juridique, management, transversalité 
I am mainly in charge of the organization of the municipal authorities and the follow-up of the acts taken by the municipality (deliberations, decrees and decisions). I assist the departments in the conception and drafting of these acts, reports to the City Council and related agreements. I also lead the proj […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Manon FRAU
Métier actuel
Head of the Municipal Assembly Department - City of Créteil
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015) - Master 1 MP (2015-2016) - Master 2 DMPCT (2016-2017)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Juridique, management, transversalité 

I am mainly in charge of the organization of the municipal authorities and the follow-up of the acts taken by the municipality (deliberations, decrees and decisions). I assist the departments in the conception and drafting of these acts, reports to the City Council and related agreements. I also lead the project of dematerialization of the acts.

What I like most about my job :

  • The overall vision of the city's actions.
  • Being part of a resource department, which allows me to interact with most departments and work on a wide variety of subjects.

Degrees earned at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015)
Master 1 Public Management (2015-2016)
Master 2 Public Management - Public law and management of local authorities (2016-2017)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015) - Master 1 MP (2015-2016) - Master 2 DMPCT (2016-2017)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Guillaume GASTON
Métier actuel
HR Project Manager - L'Occitane en Provence
Mon métier en 3 mots
Rigueur, anticipation, relationnel
My job as HR Project Manager is in the Human Resources Department of M&L Laboratories (L'Occitane and Melvita brand) in Manosque. The objective of this position is to simplify as much as possible the processes of the different HR departments (training, recruitment, payroll, time management, etc.) which includ […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Guillaume GASTON
Métier actuel
HR Project Manager - L'Occitane en Provence
Bachelor of Public Administration (2017-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Rigueur, anticipation, relationnel

My job as HR Project Manager is in the Human Resources Department of M&L Laboratories (L'Occitane and Melvita brand) in Manosque. The objective of this position is to simplify as much as possible the processes of the different HR departments (training, recruitment, payroll, time management, etc.) which include more than 20 people. This mission stems from needs related to collective performance, but also from a need for employees to have more clarity on their respective perimeters and missions.

For this, my actions are divided into 3 main areas: the internal organizational audit with the proposal of a new IT tree structure; the construction of an action plan with the teams; the deployment of this plan and the support of the teams.

What I like most about my job:

  • The discovery of the technical specificities of each job
  • The exchanges with the different members of the department
  • The autonomy I enjoy.

Degree obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2017-2020)

Bachelor of Public Administration (2017-2020)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Thibault GAURIN
Métier actuel
Auditor - Bouches-du-Rhône Department
Mon métier en 3 mots
Polyvalence, analyse, diversité
My core mission revolves around the conduct of audits of a global nature (legal, financial, accounting, review of procedures, etc.). I also have other ancillary activities as part of a new approach and impetus from management. I work on the creation of a service offer and transversally on projects at the leve […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Thibault GAURIN
Métier actuel
Auditor - Bouches-du-Rhône Department
Bachelor of Public Administration (2016-2019) - Master 1 MP (2019-2020) - Master 2 MAP (2020-2021)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Polyvalence, analyse, diversité

My core mission revolves around the conduct of audits of a global nature (legal, financial, accounting, review of procedures, etc.). I also have other ancillary activities as part of a new approach and impetus from management. I work on the creation of a service offer and transversally on projects at the management or community level.

What I like most about my job :

At the intra-functional level:

  • The variety of audit assignments
  • The ability to organize and be autonomous in managing the workload
  • The participation in cross-functional projects, given a young, dynamic and impulsive management

At the extra functional level :

  • The strong relationship
  • The young and close-knit team
  • The capacity of initiative

Degrees obtained at the IMPGT :

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2016-2019)
Master 1 Public Management (2019-2020)
Master 2 Public Management - Management of public administrations (2020-2021)

Bachelor of Public Administration (2016-2019) - Master 1 MP (2019-2020) - Master 2 MAP (2020-2021)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Cyrielle GROUARD
Métier actuel
Project Manager - Conservatoire du littoral - PIM Initiative Association
Mon métier en 3 mots
Diversifié, international, enrichissant 
I am in charge of the follow-up of projects: follow-up of the realization of the activities by the partners, budget follow-up, sometimes to organize events (face-to-face or remote) - speakers, contents, support, communication, management of the providers, logistics - , or international trainings - logistics, […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Cyrielle GROUARD
Métier actuel
Project Manager - Conservatoire du littoral - PIM Initiative Association
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017) -Master 1 MP (2017-2018) - Master 2 Research (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMIl (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Diversifié, international, enrichissant 

I am in charge of project follow-up: follow-up of the realization of activities by partners, budget follow-up, sometimes to organize events (face-to-face or remote) - speakers, contents, support, communication, management of service providers, logistics - , or international trainings - logistics, contents - management of social networks, production of technical documents, call for projects (diffusion or application).

All of this in the context of international cooperation in the management of coastal and island natural areas.

What I like most about my job:

  • The diversity of topics (communication, biodiversity, environment, sustainable development, finance and budget, management, governance ...) and the people I meet on these topics.
  • The diversity of skills needed to achieve them (organizational, intellectual and knowledge, relational...).
  • The challenges
  • The knowledge that I develop
  • The fact that I travel abroad as part of my missions

Degrees obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017)
Master 1 Public Management (2017-2018)
Master 2 Research, studies and consulting in management sciences (2018-2019)
Master 2 Public Management - Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally (2019-2020)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017) -Master 1 MP (2017-2018) - Master 2 Research (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMIl (2019-2020)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Buyer - Negotiator - Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Stratégie, négociation, relationnel
In my current position, I work as part of a team to ensure the performance of the purchase, in terms of time, cost and customer satisfaction, while respecting the regulations in force. To do this, I must be reactive and efficient in the face of customer needs and the requests of economic operators. […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Buyer - Negotiator - Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA)
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015) -Master 1 MP (2015-2016) - Master 2 MAP (2016-2017)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Stratégie, négociation, relationnel

In my current position, I work as part of a team to ensure the performance of the purchase, in terms of time, cost and customer satisfaction, while respecting the regulations in force. To do this, I have to be reactive and efficient when faced with the needs of clients and the requests of economic operators.

What I like most about my job :

  • Having the right to award defense or security contracts (MDS): this allows us to negotiate contracts. It's challenging when a procedure is being carried out.
  • To be an actor of the higher interests of the State in matters of Defense.

Degrees obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015)
Master 1 Public Management (2015-2016)
Master 2 Public Management course - Management of public administrations (2016-2017)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015) -Master 1 MP (2015-2016) - Master 2 MAP (2016-2017)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Marie-Laure MAIGNEZ
Métier actuel
In charge of organizing the training of heritage curators - National Heritage Institute
Mon métier en 3 mots
Relationnel, organisation, curiosité
I am in charge of organizing the training of trainees who have passed the State and local curatorial competitions. It is a mission of coordination and follow-up of the teaching during the 18 months of the training, for a class of curatorial students divided into 5 specialties (40 to 50 students). This mission […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Marie-Laure MAIGNEZ
Métier actuel
In charge of organizing the training of heritage curators - National Heritage Institute
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2011-2014)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Relationnel, organisation, curiosité

I am in charge of organizing the training of trainees who have passed the State and local curatorial competitions. It is a mission of coordination and follow-up of the teaching during the 18 months of the training, for a class of curatorial students divided into 5 specialties (40 to 50 students). This mission requires classic administrative operational skills, but also a strong relational dimension since I am in direct contact with the coordinators of the teaching modules and the lecturers (approximately 300 over the duration of the training).

I am also responsible for relations with partner cultural institutions that regularly welcome our students for visits or practical exercises.

I also accompany the students on a daily basis during their studies at the Institut National du Patrimoine, which sometimes requires diplomacy.

Taking into account the specificities of territorial communities is an integral part of our training programs. In fact, I am regularly in contact with speakers and institutions from all over the territory, and I was asked to organize and accompany a 4-day study trip on cultural policies in the region.

What I like most about my job:

This job is very varied and rewarding. I learn a lot from the students and the speakers. The relational part is for me the most interesting. The structure is small (about 50 people) and the daily relationship with the students creates real human exchanges.

However, you have to like the unexpected and know how to manage emergency situations. The logistical aspects are sometimes a headache because of the number of courses and speakers and the diversity of the students' profiles.

And I have the immense privilege of working in a very diverse cultural environment that makes my job a place of constant discovery.

Degree obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor of Public Administration (2011-2014)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2011-2014)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Territorial Economic Developer - Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis
Mon métier en 3 mots
Entreprises, urbanisme, suivi de projets 
My current position consists of assisting companies in their development, financing, recruitment and networking projects, through dedicated events and fairs. It also consists of working on land and real estate in favor of economic activity (PLUi, land intervention, calls for projects, ZAC requalification, al […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Territorial Economic Developer - Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2010-2013) - Master 1 MP (2013-2014) - Master 2 MAP (2014-2015)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Entreprises, urbanisme, suivi de projets 

My current position consists of assisting companies in their development, financing, recruitment and networking projects, through dedicated events and fairs.
It also consists of working on land and real estate in favor of economic activity (PLUi, land intervention, calls for projects, ZAC requalification, always by participating in fairs related to these subjects.
But also, my current job consists in supporting technically and financially associations of the ecosystem (associations of activity zones, entrepreneurship, etc.)

What I like most about my job:

  • Feeling useful and helping people without working in the social sector.
  • Helping companies in all sectors of activity.
  • Not having a typical day.
  • Doing field work.

Degrees obtained at the IMPGT :

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2010-2013)
Master 1 Public Management (2013-2014)
Master 2 Public Management - Management of public administrations (2014-2015)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2010-2013) - Master 1 MP (2013-2014) - Master 2 MAP (2014-2015)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Engineer - Welding Full Service
Mon métier en 3 mots
Prévention, communication, partage 
My job as a Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) officer is to reduce risks in the workplace: accidents, near misses, occupational illnesses, etc. I have to identify the risks of malfunctioning in the organization as a whole or in more specific areas and recommend corrective or preventive actions depending on […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Engineer - Welding Full Service
Bachelor of Public Administration (2013-2016) - Master 1 MP (2016-2017) - Master 2 MQGRS (2017-2018)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Prévention, communication, partage 

My job as a Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) officer is to reduce risks in the workplace: accidents, near misses, occupational illnesses, etc. I have to identify the risks of malfunctioning in the organization as a whole or in more specific areas and recommend corrective or preventive actions according to the degree of risk. In addition, I must be able to convince both management and employees of the merits of my approach... while demonstrating pedagogy to ensure that the changes are implemented smoothly.

What I like most about my job :

The fact of being in a "support function" necessary for the smooth running of the company, that it touches all departments of the organization and allows to acquire transversal skills.

Degree obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor of Public Administration (2013-2016) - Master 1 MP (2016-2017) - Master 2 MQGRS (2017-2018)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Consultant in Organization and HR Transformation - SEMAPHORES
Mon métier en 3 mots
Conseil, accompagnement, changement
My current position can be summarized in 3 parts: 70% of the activity is on the management - production of missions to support public sector organizations in their reorganization projects, 20% of the activity is on business development to respond to calls for tender and 10% of the activity is on knowledge sha […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Consultant in Organization and HR Transformation - SEMAPHORES
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015) - Master 1 MP (2015-2016) - Master 2 MAP (2016-2017)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Conseil, accompagnement, changement

My current job can be summarized in 3 parts: 70% of the activity is on steering - production of missions to support public sector organizations in their reorganization projects, 20% of the activity is on business development to respond to calls for tenders and 10% of the activity is on sharing knowledge / skills internally.

What I like most about my job :

  • The diversity of needs and clients to support.
  • The feeling of being useful.
  • The team work.

Degree obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015) - Master 1 MP (2015-2016) - Master 2 MAP (2016-2017)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
In charge of economic development and trade - Community of Communes of Pays Apt Luberon
Mon métier en 3 mots
Autonomie, adaptabilité, animation de territoire
My main missions are, on the one hand, the conception and the animation of projects having for objective to propose a favorable environment for the establishment of companies. On the other hand, the accompaniment of the entrepreneurs (support to the creation, the development, the resumption of company). I als […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
In charge of economic development and trade - Community of Communes of Pays Apt Luberon
Bachelor of Public Administration (2015-2018) - Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DMPCT (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Autonomie, adaptabilité, animation de territoire

My main missions are, on the one hand, the conception and the animation of projects having for objective to propose a favorable environment for the establishment of companies. On the other hand, the accompaniment of the entrepreneurs (support to the creation, the development, the resumption of company). I also have a mission to coordinate the Intervention Fund for Services, Crafts and Commerce (FISAC).

What I like most about my job:

There is no "typical day." The project owners have various needs and require answers adapted to each particularity, which makes the work very stimulating!

I also enjoy being in contact with a variety of partners (associations, companies, local authorities, elected officials). This is one of the essential challenges of this position: creating links in order to generate added value for the companies and its territory.

Finally, it is necessary to be in the field, which is, in my opinion, one of the strong points of this job.

Degrees obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2015-2018)
Master 1 Public Management (2018-2019)
Master 2 Public Management - Public law and management of local authorities (2019-2020)

Bachelor of Public Administration (2015-2018) - Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DMPCT (2019-2020)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
General Affairs Officer - Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis
Mon métier en 3 mots
Réactivité, transversalité, communication
This is a cross-functional position that allows for a variety of missions, both administrative (HR, finance and public procurement) and operational (reception, logistics, management of the institution's hemicycle). It covers all areas of management in general (team management, HR, etc.) and project management […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
General Affairs Officer - Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2015-2018) -Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMI (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Réactivité, transversalité, communication

This is a cross-functional position that allows for a variety of missions, both administrative (HR, finance and public procurement) and operational (reception, logistics, management of the institution's hemicycle). We touch on all areas of management in general (team management, HR, etc.) and project management (implementation of certification, procedures, event management, coordination and projects with various departments, etc.).

What I like most about my job :

  • The relationship it requires: It allows me to meet different people every week but also to build long-lasting working relationships with other departments or external service providers.
  • The urgency: you have to be reactive in order to respond to the requests of politicians but also of agents.
  • It does not directly serve the user, but allows to support and facilitate all the departments in the realization of their missions by creating the appropriate conditions so that they can implement public policies and thus render an optimal service to users.

Degrees obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2015-2018)
Master 1 Public Management (2018-2019)
Master 2 Public Management - Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally (2019-2020)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2015-2018) -Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMI (2019-2020)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Downtown manager, association director - Office du Commerce de Saint-Priest
Mon métier en 3 mots
Partenariat, attractivité, centre-ville
The mission of the city center manager is to support the development of commercial activities in his or her area. Nevertheless, a commercial revitalization project cannot be thought of in an "isolated" way, it must be inserted in a global urban project integrating the components that directly impact the comme […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Downtown manager, association director - Office du Commerce de Saint-Priest
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2008-2011), Master 2 DMPCT (2012-2013)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Partenariat, attractivité, centre-ville

The mission of the city center manager is to support the development of commercial activities in his or her area. Nevertheless, a commercial revitalization project cannot be thought of in an "isolated" way, it must be inserted in a global urban project integrating the components that directly impact the commercial activity (housing, accessibility, urbanism and public spaces, services...). To do this, the Saint-Priest Trade Office is a public-private partnership, a network of actors with an influence and an interest in the attractiveness of the territory (services and elected officials, consular chambers, social landlords, banks, accountants, mass distribution, media, residents, business associations, etc.). The organization of a permanent discussion between these actors allows for the cross-referencing of data and points of view that are invaluable for enriching municipal policy in terms of the development of the commercial offer and support for local commerce. The city center manager therefore works not only to strengthen the commercial dynamism of the city center, but more broadly to enhance the overall attractiveness of the area, in conjunction with all the players involved.

What I like most about my job :

  • A position at the crossroads of the public and private sectors.
  • A real influence on the development of a territory. Today, ensuring the development and maintenance of local commercial activities is a public service mission.
  • The support and the dynamization of an essential cog in the economy and the cohesion of the territories: the craftsmen, shopkeepers, and local service providers. One foot in the field, the other in the strategy.
  • Regular contacts with numerous interlocutors at all "levels": from the municipal police officer to the DGS, from the resident to the Mayor, from the small producer to the operator of a shopping center in the regional catchment area...
  • Varied missions: commercial development strategy, commercial establishments, support for elected officials in decision-making, management of an association and its employees, marketing and communication, economic animation, organization of events... The city center manager is a generalist capable of adapting to many audiences and issues rather than a specialist in the economy or trade. Moreover, the profiles are very varied.

Diploma obtained at the IMPGT :

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2008-2011), Master 2 DMPCT (2012-2013)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Entrepreneurship Officer - South Region
Mon métier en 3 mots
Partenariat, projection, conventionnement
My job is to implement the policy of the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region concerning its competence related to entrepreneurship. My main mission is to work on the "Mon projet d'entreprise" program, which is a support program for the creation, takeover, development, rebound and transmission of businesses, wit […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Entrepreneurship Officer - South Region
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2008-2011) - Master 1 MP (2011-2012)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Partenariat, projection, conventionnement

My job is to implement the policy of the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region concerning its competence related to entrepreneurship. My main mission is to work on the "Mon projet d'entreprise" program, which is a support program for the creation, takeover, development, rebound and transmission of businesses, with a budget of 8 million euros and which supports more than 7700 entrepreneurs. I work with the 13 partners who apply this policy, and together we draw up the agreements (the number of people supported, the unit cost, the deadlines, the feedback of indicators, etc.).

What I like most about my job:

My job allows me to act on an action that has a real impact on a regional scale. We establish programs with the partners of the system that concretely help entrepreneurs to be in the best conditions to create or develop their business. Our role as a funder allows us to require certain criteria related to the ecological transition, gender equality, the fight against territorial inequality ... with a concrete impact on more than 7000 people per year. There are real partnerships that are created with the heads of networks over the years. It is an interesting relationship.

Degrees obtained at the IMPGT :

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2008-2011) - Master 1 MP (2011-2012)


Education Manager :

Sophie Lamouroux
Lecturer | Academic Director of Bachelor's program in Public Administration Year 3 Apprenticeship / Master's degree program: Law and Territorial Governance Management

Schooling department :

Sandrine Fournier
Master's degree program Registrar : MESS (Year 1-2) | MAP, DMPCT, MCP, ANMT (Year 2)

Bureau de l'alternance :

Rim Dupuis
Apprenticeship Development Officer