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MASTER in public management - Public law and management of local authorities course

  • Initial training - continuing education
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • Classic rhythm
  • Eduniversal 2023 ranking: 5th

Training presentation

The Master's degree in Public Management (Droit et Management Publics des Collectivités Territoriales) is a level I course, created in 1984 at the very start of the decentralization process introduced at the same time in France. It has been given a number of different titles, always including the notion of local authorities. It has regularly adapted to the demands of professionalization and the ongoing modernization of public action, taking into account new challenges and tools, as well as new thinking on issues relating to territories and their evolution.

The Master's program is designed to build skills over two years. The first year covers the theoretical, legal and technical aspects of public administration, while the second year provides a dual competence in management and law. This cross-disciplinary approach meets the needs of local authorities and their groupings (EPCI), as well as the organizations, institutions and companies working with them. These various institutions require managers who can take a global, forward-looking approach to the exercise of the powers entrusted to local authorities by the legislator. In addition to a dominant speciality, the executive must be able to grasp the various aspects of the issue to be resolved. They must be able to analyze the issue by breaking it down into its component parts, and then synthesize these elements to provide a response based on the intersection of legal and management disciplines.

This Master's degree can be combined with the Prépa Talents IMPGT +

  • Target audience

    • Initial training: candidates with a Bachelor's degree, mainly in management, economics or also in law, political or social sciences, or with a degree equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.

    • Continuing education Public-sector professionals wishing to acquire or consolidate managerial, administrative and legal skills, professionals undergoing professional retraining or job-seekers.

  • Skills

    In line with the training objectives, 5 blocks of knowledge and skills (BCC) are offered:

    Master 1:

    • Understanding the environment of public and non-profit organizations

    • Managing public policies in a context of societal transition

    • Managing in public, non-profit and community organizations

    • Apply a scientific method to public and territorial management

    • Prepare/reflect on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world

    In Master 2 :

    • Learn about the legal environment of local and regional authorities

    • Deepen legal knowledge of local and regional authorities

    • Manage local and regional authorities

    • Design and/or pilot management solutions adapted to local and regional authorities

    • Prepare for professional integration

    • Conduct a research project using a scientific approach

  • Training organization

    Courses are given every six months in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    Master 1
    Compulsory 2-month internship

    In the first semester, students follow a core curriculum focusing on the skills essential to future managers. In the second semester, a system of options (by block) enables students to define their career plans and choose between the "Law and public management of local authorities" field or other public management sectors in which they wish to develop.

    Master 2
    Compulsory internship of at least 4 months

    Lecturers combine a variety of teaching methods: theoretical presentations, case studies, role-playing, role-playing and discussion sessions, enabling students to play an active role in their training.

    Students wishing to prepare for state and local civil service entrance examinations can take an intensive preparatory course: the IMPGT + Talents in Public Services Prep.

    Courses are given every six months in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    Master 1
    Compulsory 2-month internship

    In the first semester, students follow a core curriculum focusing on the skills essential to future managers. In the second semester, a system of options (by block) enables students to define their career plans and choose between the "Law and public management of local authorities" field or other public management sectors in which they wish to develop.

    Master 2
    Compulsory internship of at least 4 months

    Lecturers combine a variety of teaching methods: theoretical presentations, case studies, role-playing, role-playing and discussion sessions, enabling students to play an active role in their training.

    Students wishing to prepare for state and local civil service entrance examinations can take an intensive preparatory course: the IMPGT + Talents in Public Services Prep.

  • Training content

    Course content for the 2024-2025 academic year (indicative - subject to change)

    Master 1 - semesters 1 and 2

    Courses shared with the 8 Master's courses in Public Management (except MESS)

    • Understanding the environment of public and non-market organizations: Conceptual and theoretical foundations: French public institutions and the main principles of public management, Administrative law for the public manager, Economic mechanisms and policies, Societal issues and public policies: cross-disciplinary approaches, European institutions and governance, Public policies and systems: sectoral approaches, Opening lectures and workshops.
    • Managing public policies in a context of societal transition: Societal issues and public policies: cross-disciplinary approaches, Designing public policies: innovation and co-creation, Managing a territory, Public policies and systems: sectoral approaches, Managing and evaluating a public policy.
    • Managing in public, non-market and public-interest organizations: Conceptual and theoretical foundations: French public institutions and the main principles of public management, Design and organizational behavior, Project management (tools and methods), Leadership and team management, Managing the performance of public organizations. DMPCT managerial specialties: Professional and administrative writing techniques, Accounting, budgeting and financial analysis for local authorities, Public HRM - statutory and regulatory aspects, Changes in local authorities.
    • Applying a scientific method to public and territorial management: Public policy design: innovation and co-creation, Territorial management, Design and organizational behavior, Research methods: information processing and retrieval, Quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Option 1: Public manager ethics and deontology, Option 2: Research awareness
    • Preparing/reflecting on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world : Research methods: processing and reporting information, English, Supporting students in the professional world

    Cross-disciplinary courses: Serious Game, Internship

    Master 2 - semesters 3 and 4

    • Learn about the legal environment of local and regional authorities: local and regional authority law, local finance and taxation law, local civil service law and the ethics of public officials.
    • Deepen the legal culture of local and regional authorities: Public procurement and contract law, Regional planning law, Comparative territorial approaches
    • Managing local and regional authorities: Financial management and forecasting, HR management
    • Design and/or pilot management solutions adapted to local and regional authorities: Territorial project management, Territorial marketing approaches, Risk management
    • Prepare for professional integration: internship, internship report
    • Conduct a research project using a scientific approach : dissertation methodology, dissertation, oral presentation
  • Further studies and career opportunities

    Further study

    • At the end of the 1st year of the Master's program: students continue their studies in the 2nd year of the Master's program in public management, with a specialization in the law and public management of local authorities, or in one of the 8 other Master's programs offered at the IMPGT, or in the various Master's programs in law, economics and management.

    • At the end of the two-year Master's program, students can pursue their studies with a Doctorate in Management Sciences.

    Job opportunities

    Sectors :

    • Public sector: central and decentralized administrations, local authorities, urban communities, metropolises, conurbation communities, communities of communes public sector agencies

    • Private sector : consultants, law firms, design offices, semi-public companies, associations, financial institutions and real estate companies working with local authorities.

    Targeted professions: General administration civil servants in local authorities (attachés, administrators); General, technical and social civil servants in local authorities; Senior executive in a local authority department; A-category contract staff in local authorities as cabinet assistants or project managers; Consultants, department managers, study managers, project managers, account managers, public procurement managers in or with commercial organizations; Lawyers specializing in public business law (advising and representing local authorities).

  • Admission requirements

    Admission is subject to application.
    French language level required and recommended: C1 - C2

    • Master 1 - on the Mon Master platform
      Candidates with a Bachelor's degree, mainly in management, economics or law, or with a degree equivalent to a Bachelor's degree. Applicants from political or social sciences or other backgrounds are also considered, provided they can demonstrate a good academic level and a clear motivation to change direction. A refresher MOOC is available for students who do not come from specialized management or public sector backgrounds.

    • Master 2 - on the E-Candidat platform
      Candidates who have completed the first year of a Master's degree in Public Management or Public Law, or who come from other academic backgrounds (law, economics, management, political science). Knowledge of management and management science, public law and regional culture may be an asset for admission to the second year of the Master's program.

    VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels) is available for students who do not have the required level to enter the program.

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Portraits of IMPGTians - IMPGTiennes

Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Manon FRAU
Métier actuel
Head of the Municipal Assembly Department - City of Créteil
Mon métier en 3 mots
Juridique, management, transversalité 
I am mainly in charge of the organization of the municipal authorities and the follow-up of the acts taken by the municipality (deliberations, decrees and decisions). I assist the departments in the conception and drafting of these acts, reports to the City Council and related agreements. I also lead the proj […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Manon FRAU
Métier actuel
Head of the Municipal Assembly Department - City of Créteil
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015) - Master 1 MP (2015-2016) - Master 2 DMPCT (2016-2017)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Juridique, management, transversalité 

I am mainly in charge of the organization of the municipal authorities and the follow-up of the acts taken by the municipality (deliberations, decrees and decisions). I assist the departments in the conception and drafting of these acts, reports to the City Council and related agreements. I also lead the project of dematerialization of the acts.

What I like most about my job :

  • The overall vision of the city's actions.
  • Being part of a resource department, which allows me to interact with most departments and work on a wide variety of subjects.

Degrees earned at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015)
Master 1 Public Management (2015-2016)
Master 2 Public Management - Public law and management of local authorities (2016-2017)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2012-2015) - Master 1 MP (2015-2016) - Master 2 DMPCT (2016-2017)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Claire AZEMA
Métier actuel
Head of transversal projects - Departmental Council of Haute-Garonne
Mon métier en 3 mots
Coordination, transversalité, richesse
In my job, I manage structuring and strategic projects on behalf of the General Services Department, which involve the modernization of the administration and require the coordination of a large number of actors from different professions and the implementation of important change management actions. I also m […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Claire AZEMA
Métier actuel
Head of transversal projects - Departmental Council of Haute-Garonne
Master 2 DMPCT (2009-2010)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Coordination, transversalité, richesse

In my job, I manage structuring and strategic projects on behalf of the General Services Department, which involve the modernization of the administration and require the coordination of a large number of actors from different professions and the implementation of important change management actions. I also manage more operational projects directly with the teams in the field and follow up on day-to-day management files, particularly in the area of public procurement and concerning cross-cutting policies such as citizen dialogue.

What I like most about my job :

The wealth of encounters and the diversity of areas of intervention. I can be entrusted with any project, I become a project management specialist and learn every day from all the people I meet. I work with professionals from very different fields, which allows me to build an important network in the community and to increase my skills in various fields. In particular, I am leading a major modernization project with a digital component that allows me to learn about the computer jargon and digital tools used in the community, and to have a global vision of our organization.

Degree obtained at the IMPGT:

Master 2 Public Management course - Law and public management of local authorities (2009-2010)

Master 2 DMPCT (2009-2010)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
In charge of economic development and trade - Community of Communes of Pays Apt Luberon
Mon métier en 3 mots
Autonomie, adaptabilité, animation de territoire
My main missions are, on the one hand, the conception and the animation of projects having for objective to propose a favorable environment for the establishment of companies. On the other hand, the accompaniment of the entrepreneurs (support to the creation, the development, the resumption of company). I als […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
In charge of economic development and trade - Community of Communes of Pays Apt Luberon
Bachelor of Public Administration (2015-2018) - Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DMPCT (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Autonomie, adaptabilité, animation de territoire

My main missions are, on the one hand, the conception and the animation of projects having for objective to propose a favorable environment for the establishment of companies. On the other hand, the accompaniment of the entrepreneurs (support to the creation, the development, the resumption of company). I also have a mission to coordinate the Intervention Fund for Services, Crafts and Commerce (FISAC).

What I like most about my job:

There is no "typical day." The project owners have various needs and require answers adapted to each particularity, which makes the work very stimulating!

I also enjoy being in contact with a variety of partners (associations, companies, local authorities, elected officials). This is one of the essential challenges of this position: creating links in order to generate added value for the companies and its territory.

Finally, it is necessary to be in the field, which is, in my opinion, one of the strong points of this job.

Degrees obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2015-2018)
Master 1 Public Management (2018-2019)
Master 2 Public Management - Public law and management of local authorities (2019-2020)

Bachelor of Public Administration (2015-2018) - Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DMPCT (2019-2020)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Director of Administration and Finance - City of L'Isle sur la Sorgue
Mon métier en 3 mots
Finances, commande publique, administration générale
Within the Technical Services Department, I supervise a "user relations" department that handles reception, administrative management and emergency situations (bad weather, flooding, on-call duty, etc.) and a "finance and contract execution" department that manages the entire expenditure chain (purchases, com […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Director of Administration and Finance - City of L'Isle sur la Sorgue
Master 2 DMPCT (2013-2014)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Finances, commande publique, administration générale

Within the Technical Services Department, I supervise a "user relations" department that handles reception, administrative management and emergency situations (bad weather, flooding, on-call duty, etc.) and a "finance and contract execution" department that manages the entire expenditure chain (purchases, commitments, invoicing, contract execution). I participate in the implementation of the global municipal project by piloting and monitoring the Pluriannual Investment Program and the search for financing. Finally, I act as the DST's interim manager during his or her absences.

What I like most about my job :

  • The versatility and the reactivity to manage the problems of the communal level

Diploma obtained at the IMPGT :

Master 2 DMPCT (2013-2014)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Downtown manager, association director - Office du Commerce de Saint-Priest
Mon métier en 3 mots
Partenariat, attractivité, centre-ville
The mission of the city center manager is to support the development of commercial activities in his or her area. Nevertheless, a commercial revitalization project cannot be thought of in an "isolated" way, it must be inserted in a global urban project integrating the components that directly impact the comme […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Downtown manager, association director - Office du Commerce de Saint-Priest
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2008-2011), Master 2 DMPCT (2012-2013)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Partenariat, attractivité, centre-ville

The mission of the city center manager is to support the development of commercial activities in his or her area. Nevertheless, a commercial revitalization project cannot be thought of in an "isolated" way, it must be inserted in a global urban project integrating the components that directly impact the commercial activity (housing, accessibility, urbanism and public spaces, services...). To do this, the Saint-Priest Trade Office is a public-private partnership, a network of actors with an influence and an interest in the attractiveness of the territory (services and elected officials, consular chambers, social landlords, banks, accountants, mass distribution, media, residents, business associations, etc.). The organization of a permanent discussion between these actors allows for the cross-referencing of data and points of view that are invaluable for enriching municipal policy in terms of the development of the commercial offer and support for local commerce. The city center manager therefore works not only to strengthen the commercial dynamism of the city center, but more broadly to enhance the overall attractiveness of the area, in conjunction with all the players involved.

What I like most about my job :

  • A position at the crossroads of the public and private sectors.
  • A real influence on the development of a territory. Today, ensuring the development and maintenance of local commercial activities is a public service mission.
  • The support and the dynamization of an essential cog in the economy and the cohesion of the territories: the craftsmen, shopkeepers, and local service providers. One foot in the field, the other in the strategy.
  • Regular contacts with numerous interlocutors at all "levels": from the municipal police officer to the DGS, from the resident to the Mayor, from the small producer to the operator of a shopping center in the regional catchment area...
  • Varied missions: commercial development strategy, commercial establishments, support for elected officials in decision-making, management of an association and its employees, marketing and communication, economic animation, organization of events... The city center manager is a generalist capable of adapting to many audiences and issues rather than a specialist in the economy or trade. Moreover, the profiles are very varied.

Diploma obtained at the IMPGT :

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2008-2011), Master 2 DMPCT (2012-2013)


Educational managers :

Photo du contact
Céline Du Boys
Lecturer | Academic Director of Master's degree programs : Public Management Year 1 / Public Administrations Management Year 2
Sophie Lamouroux
Lecturer | Academic Director of Bachelor's program in Public Administration Year 3 Apprenticeship / Master's degree program: Law and Territorial Governance Management

Schooling department :

Mona Bouder
Schooling Manager - Aix
Sandrine Fournier
Master's degree program Registrar : MESS (Year 1-2) | MAP, DMPCT, MCP, ANMT (Year 2)