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The ANMT Chair of the IMPGT launches the 1st MOOC on attractiveness and territorial marketing in Europe

January 06, 2022

The Chair of Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing (A&NMT) of the IMPGT is launching the first MOOC on attractiveness and territorial marketing in Europe, in partnership with the National Center of Territorial Public Service (CNFPT), the CNER - Federation of Attractiveness, Development and Innovation Agencies, Business France and EURADA - European Association of Development Agencies.

Aimed at all professionals in the field of territorial attractiveness and development, this MOOC will allow them to benefit from the advice of the best French experts in the field of territorial attractiveness and marketing. Several topics will be covered, including branding, governance and strategic management, tourism attractiveness, and economic development.

The launch webinar will be held Thursday, January 13, 2022, from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm, online.

More information and registration ➡️