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Registration - I am a new student at Aix-Marseille University

You are a new student at Aix-Marseille University and you have obtained prior admission on one of these platforms: Parcoursup, Mon Master, E-Candidat, Etudes en France. You can complete your administrative and pedagogical registration online by following the steps below:

Validation of professional experience (VAP)

The Validation des Acquis Professionnels (VAP) is for you if you don't have a diploma at the required level, but you do have professional experience. In this case, VAP is a prerequisite for enrolment. The VAP procedure is independent of your application on the Mon Master or ECandidat platforms.

If you have been admitted on one of these platforms and have confirmed your admission, you must submit a VAP file to Ms. Céline Oberlin at the same time as your administrative registration. Please send her an e-mail:

Validation of your administrative registration will be conditional on submission of the VAP notification in the supporting documents (Step 4).

Validation of professional experience (VAP)

The Validation des Acquis Professionnels (VAP) is for you if you don't have a diploma at the required level, but you do have professional experience. In this case, VAP is a prerequisite for enrolment. The VAP procedure is independent of your application on the Mon Master or ECandidat platforms.

If you have been admitted on one of these platforms and have confirmed your admission, you must submit a VAP file to Ms. Céline Oberlin at the same time as your administrative registration. Please send her an e-mail:

Validation of your administrative registration will be conditional on submission of the VAP notification in the supporting documents (Step 4).