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OTACC Chair Cultural Days 24

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The Chair for the Organization and Territories of Arts, Culture and Creation (OTACC) is organizing Les Journées Culturelles 2024 on "The Art of Inclusion: the new cultural revolution", on May 15, 16 and 17 at 6MIC in Aix-en-Provence.

Les Journées Culturelles is an annual event run by the OTACC Chair and organized by students in the Master's program in Management and Law of Cultural Organizations and Events. Through conferences, participative workshops and narrative immersions, students explore issues relating to inclusion in the creative cultural industries. These days are part of the OTACC Chair's participative, open and inclusive science program.

Admission to the Journées Culturelles is free, with registration (opening March 2024).

Program: 3 days at the heart of an inclusive and committed ecosystem

Mental health among professionals in the cultural sector

The aim of this day is to examine the mental health of professionals in the cultural sector. The round table will explore the impact of working conditions and organizational characteristics on psycho-social risks. In the afternoon, two workshops will be held simultaneously: the first, based on synesthesia, will offer an artistic sensory experience to raise awareness, while the second, in the form of an escape game, will provide tools for cultural players to guarantee mental health.

  • 10H00-10H20 | Warm welcome for participants - Le Hall

    A warm welcome for participants

  • 10H20-10H30 | Opening speech for Journées Culturelles 2024

    Cultural Days opening speech by the OTACC Chair team

  • 10H30-12H00 | Round table: Mental health in the cultural sector: breaking the taboo

    Round table: Mental health in the cultural sector: breaking the taboo

    How can the working conditions and organizational characteristics of a cultural structure contribute to the emergence of psychosocial risks among professionals in the sector? The speakers will shed light on this issue, highlighting the psychosocial challenges specific to the cultural sector. The aim of this roundtable is to share existing strategies for combating psychosocial risks, while encouraging open and constructive dialogue.

    Organizing team: Valentin LAFITTE, Ludivine LECA, Vickie PAIN, Léa PORTAL, Carla TOGNOZZI

  • 12H00-13H30 | Lunch break

  • 13H30-15H00 | Workshop 1: Approaching Mental Health through synesthesia - Workshop 2: Escape Game

    Workshop 1: Approaching Mental Health through Synesthesia

    The "Approaching mental health through synaesthesia" workshop offers a two-module sensory and artistic experience designed to raise awareness of mental health among cultural professionals. On the one hand, a journey of discovery around the senses and their impact, with resources for understanding and confronting mental challenges. On the other, artistic practice as a means of learning about and identifying emotions. These two aspects are united by a travelling exhibition featuring the work of an artist.

    Organizing team: Flora DEFAUT, Céline FARRE, Emma GAUDRY, Lucile KOECHLIN, Célia ROBLES

    Workshop 2: Escape game

    This workshop takes the form of an escape game designed to give professionals in the cultural sector the keys to tackling the issue of mental health in their field. Divided into teams, participants defy time in different spaces to decipher clues and unlock a virtual padlock. Cohesion, strategy and curiosity are required to win the game! At the heart of the initiative: understanding the importance of professional well-being precisely in the world of culture!

    Organizing team: Clémence ATON, Anne-Laure DIERX, Laura LEVAILLANT, Marion ODIOT, Amanda TOMS

  • 15H00-15H30 | Coffee break

  • 15H30-17H00 | Workshop 1: Approaching Mental Health through synesthesia - Workshop 2: Escape Game

    Workshop 1: Approaching Mental Health through Synesthesia

    The "Approaching mental health through synaesthesia" workshop offers a two-module sensory and artistic experience designed to raise awareness of mental health among cultural professionals. On the one hand, a journey of discovery around the senses and their impact, with resources for understanding and confronting mental challenges. On the other, artistic practice as a means of learning about and identifying emotions. These two aspects are united by a travelling exhibition featuring the work of an artist.

    Organizing team: Flora DEFAUT, Céline FARRE, Emma GAUDRY, Lucile KOECHLIN, Célia ROBLES

    Workshop 2: Escape game

    This workshop takes the form of an escape game designed to give professionals in the cultural sector the keys to tackling the issue of mental health in their field. Divided into teams, participants defy time in different spaces to decipher clues and unlock a virtual padlock. Cohesion, strategy and curiosity are required to win the game! At the heart of the initiative: understanding the importance of professional well-being precisely in the world of culture!

    Organizing team: Clémence ATON, Anne-Laure DIERX, Laura LEVAILLANT, Marion ODIOT, Amanda TOMS

Artificial Intelligence: between opportunities and threats for Art

The aim of this day is to show the opportunities and threats posed by artificial intelligence for artists and their artistic creations, and more generally to consider the place of AI and digital developments in the cultural sector. Participants will be able to take part in participatory workshops putting into practice the ideas and uses observed during the morning round table in various fields of artistic creation in the digital age.

  • 10H00-10H30 | Warm welcome for participants - Le Hall

    A warm welcome for participants - Le Hall

  • 10H30-12H00 | Round Table: Artificial Intelligence and Art

    Round Table: Artificial Intelligence and Art

    The aim of this round table is to show how artificial intelligence can become a tool and a technique for creating artistic works. To this end, we aim to highlight the use of AI in the service of art: it becomes a new material with which to create. We will also show how AI itself becomes the subject of artistic creation, in order to question it and our relationship with it. It's also worth pointing out the limits of this use: the question of ownership of the work arises. Certain industries are starting to use AI for economic reasons, which could endanger certain artists. Finally, we'll discuss ways of ensuring the long-term use of AI in culture, in particular through public oversight. In particular, we will look at the very recent creation of the Comité de l'intelligence artificielle générative and the specific group on the impact of AI in the cultural sector.

    Organizing team: Bélinda BENDIMERED, Ambre BETROUNI, Kheshia BOUTERA, Elie DORIZON, Nadiejda HACHAMI, Chloé HOARAU, Rose MERVILLE

  • 12H00-13H30 | Lunch break

  • 13H30-15H00 | Workshop 3: Creating works with AI - Workshop 4: (IN)CONNECTED FUTURES

    Workshop 3: Creating art with AI

    How does AI produce art? It uses the algorithm contained in the words and places them in a series of vectors or text-image embeddings. Next, the AI creates an original image from the generic representation presented to it in its datasets, based on the text added by the user creating the artwork. Ele can "take any text and turn it into an image". The AI can also appropriately add slight details, such as shadows and reflections, to give the images an even more realistic appearance. In groups of ten or so, we invite participants to discover AI by creating a work of art. 3 creative areas will be available, using different AIs.

    Organizing team: Sarah GAMBOTTI, Jade RENAUDIN, Morgane SAULOUP-PARIS, Nicolas VILORIA

    Workshop 4: (UN)KNOWN FUTURES

    This workshop invites all participants to engage in individual reflection and exchange with others, taking a step back on how AI could evolve in our societies and in our daily lives, with the help of a collective card game. The objectives are (1) to invite each participant to reflect individually on questions concerning AI, (2) to create exchanges around the impact of AI, (3) to debate on the different points of view concerning AI, (4) to put AI into perspective in more or less near and more or less possible futures.

    Organizing team: Aléna BEAULIEU, Samantha MEXLER, Chantal VUONG, Margaux WARNET

  • 15H00-15H30 | Coffee break

  • 15H30-17H00 | Workshop 3: Creating works with AI - Workshop 4: (UN)KNOWN FUTURES

    Workshop 3: Creating art with AI

    How does AI produce art? It uses the algorithm contained in the words and places them in a series of vectors or text-image embeddings. Next, the AI creates an original image from the generic representation presented to it in its datasets, based on the text added by the user creating the artwork. Ele can "take any text and turn it into an image". The AI can also appropriately add slight details, such as shadows and reflections, to give the images an even more realistic appearance. In groups of ten or so, we invite participants to discover AI by creating a work of art. 3 creative areas will be available, using different AIs.

    Organizing team: Sarah GAMBOTTI, Jade RENAUDIN, Morgane SAULOUP-PARIS, Nicolas VILORIA

    Workshop 4: (UN)KNOWN FUTURES

    This workshop invites all participants to engage in individual reflection and exchange with others, taking a step back on how AI could evolve in our societies and in our daily lives, with the help of a collective card game. The objectives are (1) to invite each participant to reflect individually on questions concerning AI, (2) to create exchanges around the impact of AI, (3) to debate on the different points of view concerning AI, (4) to put AI into perspective in more or less near and more or less possible futures.

    Organizing team: Aléna BEAULIEU, Samantha MEXLER, Chantal VUONG, Margaux WARNET

  • 18H00-22H30 | Soirée de gala caritatif

    A l’occasion des Journées Culturelles et Créatives, la chaire OTACC et le Bureau des Arts de l’IMPGT s’associent au centre LGBTQIA+ de Marseille et au 6MIC pour vous présenter une soirée de performances et de concerts avec comme dénominateur commun l’inclusion. Pour la première fois, c'est un gala caritatif, inclusif et festif qui viendra animer l’événement et nous réunir autour de la thématique sociétale de l’inclusion.  

    Au programme :  

    • Discours d’introduction par les représentant.e.s de la présidence d’Aix-Marseille Université, la chaire OTACC et le BDA et le centre LGBTQIA+  
    • Drag show GUESTS   
    • Concert des artistes accompagné.e.s par le dispositif MAGMA du 6MIC  
    • Apéritif dînatoire  
    • Stand d’échanges et de sensibilisation LGBTQIA+ 

    Le centre LGBTQIA+ Marseille : Situé à proximité du Vieux-Port, le Centre a été créé en 2023 pour répondre aux besoins d’inclusion, de soutien et de visibilité des LGBTQIA+. Ouvert à tous-tes, le Centre accueille et célèbre la communauté queer marseillaise dans toute sa diversité.  Le centre travaille avec les associations et collectifs marseillais-e-s concerné-e-s ainsi qu’avec des professionnel-le-s, militant-e-s et bénévoles pour proposer des ressources, ateliers, séances de soutien et accompagnement spécifiques aux personnes LGBTQIA+.

    MAGMA - 6MIC : MAGMA est un programme d’aide à la création à destination des groupes et artistes émergents de la métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence. Tout au long de la saison, 5 groupes ou artistes sélectionnés bénéficient de modules de formation collectifs et individuels qui leur permettent de mieux appréhender l’environnement professionnel et artistique, de comprendre et maîtriser l’ensemble des étapes liées au développement d’un groupe ou de l’artiste. 

Intergenerational cultural projects

For this final day, themed "Inequality/Accessibility", we'd like to invite the public to discover and experience the realities of implementing projects aimed at the elderly, through a meeting and two workshops.

  • 10H00-10H30 | Warm welcome for participants - Le Hall

    A warm welcome for participants - Le Hall

  • 10H30-12H00 | Round-table: Intergenerational cultural projects: a solution to the immobility of the elderly?

    Round table: Intergenerational cultural projects: a solution to the immobility of the elderly?

    The aim of this round-table discussion is to highlight intergenerational cultural projects that address the problems faced by the elderly (immobility, isolation, etc.). It will be organized into two separate discussion sessions. The first will focus on artists and professionals from the cultural sector who have imagined and/or run projects aimed at the target audience. We'll then give the floor to the main players involved, who will talk about their own participation.

    Organizing team: Thomas ALEXIS, Orane DEBORD, Eugénie FIZET, Lucie PELISSIER, Arthur SISMONDINI

  • 12H00-13H30 | Lunch break

  • 13H30-15H00 | Workshop 5: Intergenerational game of goose - Workshop 6: Imagine the ideal cultural workshop in EHPAD

    Workshop 5: Intergenerational goose game

    In this workshop, participants will play a revisited game of goose. Each team will be assigned a cultural structure in order to respond to a call for off-site projects for an audience mixing seniors and young teenagers.

    Organizing team: Lola ALBARET, Raphaël SCHLAYEN, Charlotte SENAME, Prune VILLARUBIAS

    Workshop 6: Imagine the ideal EHPAD cultural workshop

    In this participative workshop, participants will take on the role of animators in health and social care establishments, and learn how to build cultural projects for the elderly. Divided into several groups, participants will imagine a workshop linked to an artistic practice for the residents of an EHPAD, while facing challenges and obstacles that will be imputed to them by cards to be drawn.

    Organizing team: Clara BODY, Coline LECHAT, Elise RAFFIN, Angie RENAUDIN, Jade RENAULT

  • 15H00-15H30 | Coffee break

  • 15H30-17H00 | Workshop 5: Intergenerational game of goose - Workshop 6: Imagine the ideal cultural workshop in EHPAD

    Workshop 5: Intergenerational goose game

    In this workshop, participants will play a revisited game of goose. Each team will be assigned a cultural structure in order to respond to a call for off-site projects for an audience mixing seniors and young teenagers.

    Organizing team: Lola ALBARET, Raphaël SCHLAYEN, Charlotte SENAME, Prune VILLARUBIAS

    Workshop 6: Imagine the ideal EHPAD cultural workshop

    In this participative workshop, participants will take on the role of animators in health and social care establishments, and learn how to build cultural projects for the elderly. Divided into several groups, participants will imagine a workshop linked to an artistic practice for the residents of an EHPAD, while facing challenges and obstacles that will be imputed to them by cards to be drawn.

    Organizing team: Clara BODY, Coline LECHAT, Elise RAFFIN, Angie RENAUDIN, Jade RENAULT

  • 17H00 | Closing speech of the Journées Culturelles 2024

Practical information

The Journées Culturelles 24 will be held at 6MIC, Aix-en-Provence.
Le 6MIC: 160 rue Pascal Duverger, 13090 Aix-en-Provence

Le 6MIC is located at the entrance to the new Constance district of Aix-en-Provence, a few hundred meters from the Fondation Vasarely, on chemin des Aubépines.

  • Coming to 6MIC

    > By car

    A51 from Marseille / Pertuis: exit Aix-Jas de Bouffan

    A8 from Nice: direction Gap A51 then exit 7 Jas de Bouffan

    A8 from Avignon, exit 29 Aix-Ouest, then follow "la Constance" / 6MIC.

    Free parking lots: 6MIC 250 spaces, opposite 6MIC 200 spaces or fondation Vasarely 100 spaces (5min walk from 6MIC).


    The OTACC Chair invites you to carpool if possible. The number of parking spaces is not limited, but your ecological footprint is.

    > By bus

    Line A - Aixpress

    Vasarely stop, then 600m (10 minutes) then footpath chemin des Aubépines

    Coq d'Argent stop, then walk along route de Valcros (10 minutes)

    Download the leaflet with timetables

  • Faire du covoiturage en organisant votre trajet avec l'application TOGETZER

    Vous cherchez un moyen pratique pour vous rendre aux Journées Culturelles et Créatives 2024 ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin, TOGETZER est là pour vous aider à organiser votre trajet. Voici comment ça fonctionne :

    • Conducteur·ice·s : Si vous avez des places disponibles dans votre voiture et que vous voulez aider d'autres personnes à se rendre à l'événement, utilisez la plateforme pour proposer votre trajet. C'est simple et rapide !

    • Passagers : Vous cherchez un moyen pratique et économique pour venir aux JCC 2024 ? Utilisez cette plateforme pour rechercher des trajets disponibles et réserver votre place dans un véhicule. C'est une excellente occasion de rencontrer d'autres participant·e·s et de partager les frais de déplacement.

    Planifier vos trajets selon vos préférences, que ce soit pour l'heure de départ, le point de rendez-vous ou les arrangements de paiement. De plus, vous contribuez à réduire l'empreinte carbone de l'événement en partageant vos trajets avec d'autres participant·e·s.

The organizers

Our partners


Laurene Ciccolini-Frattini
Educational engineer