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I am applying for continuing education

All courses offered by the IMPGT are open to continuing education. You are eligible for continuing education if :

  • You are employed
  • You are a job seeker
  • You are returning to school

You were on a professionalization contract last year or you wish to sign a professionalization contract

Depending on the level of training you wish to apply for and your previous course of study, the steps to take are not the same.



    You are employed:

    You are financed by your employer: you must provide us with a document attesting to this or a document from the financing organization (which must be submitted when you register)

    You do not benefit from an employer's financing or other financing: You may apply for funding from the PRF (Regional Training Program). To do so, you must provide documents attesting that you have exhausted all other methods of financing and that you have only been refused.

    You are a job seeker:

    Don't forget to ask your Pôle Emploi prescriber for the PPAE (Personalized Employment Assistance Plan) on which must be mentioned the diploma that will allow you to return to employment, your rights and in particular your DIF (Individual Right to Training) for which you will have to ask for portability.

    You may also apply for funding under the PRF (Programme Régional de Formation) or for a partial exemption of training fees by the University.

    You must also ask the Pôle emploi if financing under the AIF (Aide individuelle à la formation) is possible. A refusal on their part must be attested by a document.

    Generally speaking, if you encounter difficulties in financing your training costs, you can apply to the exemption commission (exemption file to be completed)

  • I want to apply for a Bachelor's degree 1

    Applications are made on Parcoursup.

  • I want to apply for a License 2 or License 3

    Applications are made on eCandidat.

  • I want to apply for a Master 1

    Applications are made on My Master. (keywords: public management, Institute of Public Management).

  • I wish to apply for a Master 2 degree

    Applications are made on eCandidat.

If you do not have the required level: after you have applied, contact the Continuing Education Office to apply for the VAP.

Applications must be submitted online, on one of the applications depending on the level of training you are applying for(eCandidat or Mon Master) . The procedure is entirely paperless, no application file should be sent by mail or dropped off at the university. Incomplete applications will not be examined. Complete applications will be studied by the pedagogical committee and you will receive their decision via the applications.



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Guillaume Grégoire
Continuing education manager