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MASTER in public management - Research, studies and consultancy in management sciences (1st and 2nd year)

  • Initial training - continuing education
  • Aix-en-Provence
  • Classic rhythm

Training presentation

As part of the Public Management Master's program in Research, Studies and Consulting in Management Sciences, the Public Management specialization enables students to master all the research techniques, theories and managerial concepts they will be called upon to apply in their professional lives, whether in an academic or consulting career.

This Master's program aims to train tomorrow's professionals in academic and applied research. It prepares students for careers in teaching, research and consulting.

Proficient in the design and conduct of studies (research design and methodology), scientific writing and oral and visual communication, students go on to hold positions in consulting and expert appraisal firms specializing in the public sector, as managers in large public organizations, and as research managers. This Master's degree also prepares students for a doctorate in Management Sciences, enabling them to write a thesis in the field of public management. Whichever path they choose, students benefit from specialized training that meets the highest international research standards.

  • Target audience

    • Initial training: candidates with a Bachelor's degree, mainly in management, economics or also in law, political or social sciences, or with a degree equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.

    • Continuing education: public-sector professionals wishing to acquire or consolidate managerial, administrative, legal and research skills, professionals undergoing professional retraining or job-seekers.

  • Skills

    In line with the objectives of the training program, blocks of knowledge and skills (BCC) are offered.

    Master 1:

    • Understanding the environment of public and non-profit organizations
    • Managing public policies in a context of societal transition
    • Managing in public, non-profit and community organizations
    • Apply a scientific method to public and territorial management
    • Prepare/reflect on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world

    In Master 2 :

    • Understand the research and consulting environment
    • Analyze and support public policy management
    • Analyze and support the practices of public and community interest organizations
    • Design and implement a scientific approach to public management and administration
    • Build and realize a professional project in the world of academic research and consulting
  • Training organization

    Courses are given every six months in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    Master 1
    Compulsory 2-month internship

    In the first semester, students follow a core curriculum focusing on the skills essential to future managers. In the second semester, a system of options (by block) enables students to define their professional project and choose between the "research and consulting in management sciences" field or other sectors of public management in which they wish to develop.

    Master 2
    The year is divided into two complementary parts. In the first (semester 3), courses (some of which are taught in conjunction with IAE Aix-Marseille) are devoted to the methodological foundations of Management Science Research. In the second semester (semester 4), students acquire knowledge in the main areas of public management research, including emerging fields, and put this knowledge into practice by constructing and conducting their own research. The second-semester dissertation is an opportunity for students to carry out research in real-life conditions (project construction, methodology and writing). It is supervised by a thesis director.

    The second-semesterdissertation is an opportunity for students to carry out research in real-life conditions (project construction, methodology and writing). It is supervised by a dissertation director.

    The teaching staff combine a variety of teaching methods : theoretical presentations, case studies, role-playing, role-playing and discussion sessions, in English and French, enabling students to play an active role in their training.

    Courses are given every six months in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    Master 1
    Compulsory 2-month internship

    In the first semester, students follow a core curriculum focusing on the skills essential to future managers. In the second semester, a system of options (by block) enables students to define their professional project and choose between the "research and consulting in management sciences" field or other sectors of public management in which they wish to develop.

    Master 2
    The year is divided into two complementary parts. In the first (semester 3), courses (some of which are taught in conjunction with IAE Aix-Marseille) are devoted to the methodological foundations of Management Science Research. In the second semester (semester 4), students acquire knowledge in the main areas of public management research, including emerging fields, and put this knowledge into practice by constructing and conducting their own research. The second-semester dissertation is an opportunity for students to carry out research in real-life conditions (project construction, methodology and writing). It is supervised by a thesis director.

    The second-semesterdissertation is an opportunity for students to carry out research in real-life conditions (project construction, methodology and writing). It is supervised by a dissertation director.

    The teaching staff combine a variety of teaching methods : theoretical presentations, case studies, role-playing, role-playing and discussion sessions, in English and French, enabling students to play an active role in their training.

  • Training content

    Course content for the 2024-2025 academic year (indicative - subject to change)

    Master 1 - semesters 1 and 2

    Courses shared with the 8 Master's courses in Public Management (except MESS)

    • Understanding the environment of public and non-market organizations: Conceptual and theoretical foundations: French public institutions and the main principles of public management, Administrative law for the public manager, Economic mechanisms and policies, Societal issues and public policies: cross-disciplinary approaches, European institutions and governance, Public policies and systems: sectoral approaches, Opening lectures and workshops.
    • Managing public policies in a context of societal transition: Societal issues and public policies: cross-disciplinary approaches, Designing public policies: innovation and co-creation, Managing a territory, Public policies and systems: sectoral approaches, Managing and evaluating a public policy.
    • Managing in public, non-market and public-interest organizations: Conceptual and theoretical foundations: French public institutions and the main principles of public management, Design and organizational behavior, Project management (tools and methods), Leadership and team management, Managing the performance of public organizations. Specialties in managerial functions
    • Applying scientific methods to public and territorial management: Public policy design: innovation and co-creation, Territorial management, Design and organizational behavior, Research methods: information processing and retrieval, Quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Option 1: Ethics and deontology of the public manager, Option 2: Research awareness
    • Preparing/reflecting on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world : Research methods: processing and reporting information, English, Supporting students in the professional world

    Cross-disciplinary courses: Serious Game, Internship

    Master 2 - semesters 3 and 4

    • Mastering quantitative data analysis methods: Understanding quantitative methods, Implementing quantitative data analysis tools.
    • Mastering qualitative data analysis methods: Understanding qualitative methods, Implementing qualitative data analysis tools.
    • Mastering data collection: collecting quantitative and qualitative data
    • Master the standards of public management research and consulting : Understand the standards of academic and applied public management research, Design your research project, Understand the research and consulting ecosystem, Implement the standards of academic and applied public management research.
    • Producing research in public management: Tips for presenting your work in English, dissertation
  • Further studies and career opportunities

    Further study:

    • At the end of the 1st year of the Master's program: students can continue their studies in the 2nd year of the Master's program in public management (Research and Consulting in Management Sciences), or in one of the 8 other Master's programs offered at the IMPGT, or in the various Master's programs in law, economics and management.

    • At the end of the two-year Master's program: students can continue their studies with a Doctorate in Management Sciences.

    Career opportunities :

    This Master's degree prepares students for careers in teaching and research, as well as in consulting (consulting firms in the public sector), and for management positions in large public organizations or as research consultants.

  • Admission requirements

    Admission is subject to application.
    French language level required and recommended: C1 - C2

    • Master 1 - on the Mon Master platform
      Candidates with a Bachelor's degree, mainly in management, economics or law, or with a degree equivalent to a Bachelor's degree. Applicants from political or social sciences or other backgrounds are also considered, provided they can demonstrate a good academic level and a clear motivation to change direction. A refresher MOOC is available for students who do not come from specialized management or public sector backgrounds.

    • Master 2 - on the E-Candidat platform
      Candidates who have completed the first year of a Master's degree in Public Management, or who have completed other university courses (law, economics, management), or who hold equivalent positions in the public or private sector, in line with the professional development or consolidation project proposed by this program.

    VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels) is available for students who do not have the required level to enter the program.

Portraits of IMPGTians - IMPGTiennes

Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Cyrielle GROUARD
Métier actuel
Project Manager - Conservatoire du littoral - PIM Initiative Association
Mon métier en 3 mots
Diversifié, international, enrichissant 
I am in charge of the follow-up of projects: follow-up of the realization of the activities by the partners, budget follow-up, sometimes to organize events (face-to-face or remote) - speakers, contents, support, communication, management of the providers, logistics - , or international trainings - logistics, […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Cyrielle GROUARD
Métier actuel
Project Manager - Conservatoire du littoral - PIM Initiative Association
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017) -Master 1 MP (2017-2018) - Master 2 Research (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMIl (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Diversifié, international, enrichissant 

I am in charge of project follow-up: follow-up of the realization of activities by partners, budget follow-up, sometimes to organize events (face-to-face or remote) - speakers, contents, support, communication, management of service providers, logistics - , or international trainings - logistics, contents - management of social networks, production of technical documents, call for projects (diffusion or application).

All of this in the context of international cooperation in the management of coastal and island natural areas.

What I like most about my job:

  • The diversity of topics (communication, biodiversity, environment, sustainable development, finance and budget, management, governance ...) and the people I meet on these topics.
  • The diversity of skills needed to achieve them (organizational, intellectual and knowledge, relational...).
  • The challenges
  • The knowledge that I develop
  • The fact that I travel abroad as part of my missions

Degrees obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017)
Master 1 Public Management (2017-2018)
Master 2 Research, studies and consulting in management sciences (2018-2019)
Master 2 Public Management - Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally (2019-2020)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017) -Master 1 MP (2017-2018) - Master 2 Research (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMIl (2019-2020)


Educational managers :

Photo du contact
Céline Du Boys
Lecturer | Academic Director of Master's degree programs : Public Management Year 1 / Public Administrations Management Year 2
Hamid Bachir Bendaoud
Solange Hernandez
Research Assessor - Public Management Team CERGAM
University Professor | Academic Director of Master's degree program: Studies and Consulting in Management Science

Schooling department :

Mona Bouder
Schooling Manager - Aix
Jenny Ottosson
Master's degree program Registrar : MQGRS - MDDGTPMI - SMT (Year 2) ; in charge of international relations

Schooling department :

Cécile Bussière
Apprenticeship Training Development Officer
Rim Dupuis
Apprenticeship Development Officer