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MASTER in public management - Sustainable development and territorial governance of Mediterranean and international projects (1st and 2nd year)

  • Initial training - continuing education
  • Aix (1st year) Marseille (2nd year)
  • Classic rhythm
  • Eduniversal 2023 ranking: 22nd

Training presentation

Mediterranean territories are faced with a range of issues and challenges that raise global questions about their resilience, their capacity to adapt, and even their ability to transform. Tomorrow's managers will need to acquire the knowledge and skills that will enable them to apply the challenges of sustainable territorial development to cooperation projects. The aim of the Public Management Master's program, entitled "Sustainable Development and Territorial Governance of Mediterranean and International Projects", is to train students to manage sustainable cooperation projects in the Mediterranean and internationally.

This Master's program is designed to build skills over two years. Building on a first year that covers the theoretical, legal and technical elements of public administration, the second year enables students to acquire a culture of international project management, sustainable development and the public and non-profit sectors, as well as to delve deeper into certain themes specific to the Euro-Mediterranean zone, associated sectoral issues and professional techniques through the learning of applied research methods.

  • Target audience

    • Initial training: with a Bachelor's degree, mainly in management, economics or law, or a degree equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.

    • Continuing education Professionals in equivalent positions in the public or private sector, in line with the professional development or consolidation project proposed by this program.

  • Skills

    In line with the training objectives, 5 blocks of knowledge and skills (BCC) are offered:

    Master 1:

    • Understanding the environment of public and non-profit organizations

    • Managing public policies in a context of societal transition

    • Managing in public, non-profit and community organizations

    • Apply a scientific method to public and territorial management

    • Prepare/reflect on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world

    In Master 2 :

    • Understand the context of a sustainable territorial strategy in the Mediterranean region

    • Design and manage a territorial cooperation project

    • Manage sustainable territorial public policies

    • Apply a scientific method to territorial project management

    • Prepare/reflect on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world

  • Training organization

    Courses are taught every six months, in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    > Master 1

    Compulsory 2-month internship

    In the first semester, students follow a core curriculum focusing on the skills essential to future managers. In the second semester, a system of options (by block) enables students to define their professional project and choose between the "Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally" field or other public management sectors in which they wish to develop.

    > Master 2

    Compulsory internship of at least 4 months

    This can be done part-time, two days a week, starting in December, or full-time starting in April.

    Courses are taught every six months, in the form of lectures and tutorials.

    > Master 1

    Compulsory 2-month internship

    In the first semester, students follow a core curriculum focusing on the skills essential to future managers. In the second semester, a system of options (by block) enables students to define their professional project and choose between the "Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally" field or other public management sectors in which they wish to develop.

    > Master 2

    Compulsory internship of at least 4 months

    This can be done part-time, two days a week, starting in December, or full-time starting in April.

  • Training content

    Course content for the 2024-2025 academic year (indicative - subject to change)

    Master 1 - semesters 1 and 2

    Courses shared with the 8 Master's courses in Public Management (except MESS)

    • Understanding the environment of public and non-market organizations: Conceptual and theoretical foundations: French public institutions and the main principles of public management, Administrative law for the public manager, Economic mechanisms and policies, Societal issues and public policies: cross-disciplinary approaches, European institutions and governance, Public policies and systems: sectoral approaches, Opening lectures and workshops.
    • Managing public policies in a context of societal transition: Societal issues and public policies: cross-disciplinary approaches, Designing public policies: innovation and co-creation, Managing a territory, Public policies and systems: sectoral approaches, Managing and evaluating a public policy.
    • Managing in public, non-market and public-interest organizations: Conceptual and theoretical foundations: French public institutions and the main principles of public management, Design and organizational behavior, Project management (tools and methods), Leadership and team management, Managing the performance of public organizations. Specialties of DDGTPMI managerial functions: Lobbying and public decision-making, Geopolitics of the Mediterranean, Societal issues and environmental public policy, Marketing approaches to public policy: social marketing and storytelling.
    • Applying a scientific method to public and territorial management: Public policy design: innovation and co-creation, Territorial management, Design and organizational behavior, Research methods: information processing and retrieval, Quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Option 1: Public manager ethics and deontology, Option 2: Research awareness
    • Preparing/reflecting on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world : Research methods: information processing and retrieval, English, Accompanying the student in the professional world.

    Cross-disciplinary courses: Serious Game, Internship

    Master 2 - semesters 3 and 4

    • Understanding the context of a sustainable territorial strategy in the Mediterranean: Territorial resilience in response to societal and ecological transitions, Local action and international cooperation, Environmental and sustainable development law, Representations of the Mediterranean, Why do we cooperate: objectives and issues, Energy transition and climate change.
    • Designing and managing a territorial cooperation project: Management of cultural projects: from design to evaluation, Managing cooperation projects in a multicultural environment, Engineering and management of international cooperation projects, Project financing
    • Managing sustainable territorial public policies: Sustainable management of tourism and heritage, Sustainable territorial planning, Ecosystem approach to sustainable economic development, SSE as alternative development models, Governance of sustainable territorial projects, Territorial foresight practices.
    • Apply a scientific method to territorial project management: Applied research methods, Project management: tools, implementation and follow-up.
    • Prepare/reflect on professional activity and social commitment in a changing world: English, Accompanying the student in the professional world
  • Further studies and career opportunities

    Further study:

    • At the end of the 1st year of the Master's program: students can continue their studies in the 2nd year of the Master's program in public management (Sustainable Development and Territorial Governance of Mediterranean and International Projects), or in one of the 8 other Master's programs offered at the IMPGT, or in the various Master's programs in law, economics and management.
    • At the end of the two-year Master's program: students can continue their studies with a PhD in Management Sciences.

    Career opportunities :

    • Public sector: central and decentralized administrations, local authorities, public sector agencies, European or Euro-Mediterranean institutions
    • Non-profit sector : associations, professional organizations, consular bodies

    • Companies: public services and management and sustainable development consultancies whose clients are public administrations or non-market institutions.

    Targeted professions: Project manager (territorial development, regional planning, environmental protection, social development), Sustainable development manager, Project manager for Euro-Mediterranean relations, Project manager for the environment, Climate plan coordinator, Consultant for the development of Euro-Mediterranean relations, Sustainable development consultant for local authorities or companies, Lawyer specialized in public business law (advising and representing local authorities).

  • Admission requirements

    Admission is subject to application.
    French language level required and recommended: C1 - C2

    • Master 1 - on the Mon Master platform
      Candidates with a Bachelor's degree, mainly in management, economics or law, or with a degree equivalent to a Bachelor's degree. Applicants from political and social sciences or other backgrounds are also considered, provided they can demonstrate a good academic level and a clear motivation to change direction. A refresher MOOC is available for students who do not come from specialized management or public sector backgrounds.

    • Master 2 - on the E-Candidat platform
      Candidates who have completed the first year of a Master's degree in Public Management, or who have completed other university courses (law, economics, management), or who hold equivalent positions in the public or private sector, in line with the professional development or consolidation project proposed by this program.

    VAP (Validation des Acquis Professionnels) is available for students who do not have the required level to enter the program.

  • Partnerships & training highlights

    Various organizations are in regular contact with students in this master's program: ANIMA, ADEME, GREC Sud, DRAAF, Conservatoire du littoral, ADEME, DREAL PACA, IME, Région Sud. Professionals are also involved in the training program. And they regularly call on students' skills for projects and internships.

    Highlights of the academic year include participation in the Master Class "Trans/frontières et Dialogue des disciplines" and events such as Méditerranée du Futur and Emerging Valley.

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Portraits of IMPGTians - IMPGTiennes

Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Environmental studies manager - Agrosylva
Mon métier en 3 mots
Circularité, chantier, environnement 
My fields of intervention are, among others, the accompaniment of the communities in their virtuous step of valorization of organic matters in agriculture, but also the protection of the water resource, the management of the biowastes, the prevention of the natural disasters, agronomic councils, studies of im […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Environmental studies manager - Agrosylva
Master 2 DDGTPMI (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Circularité, chantier, environnement 

My fields of intervention are, among others, the accompaniment of communities in their virtuous approach of organic matter recovery in agriculture, but also the protection of the water resource, the management of biowastes, the prevention of natural disasters, agronomic advice, impact studies, etc.

My job is a hybrid one. It is at the same time centered on studies, but also on the management of the site, the drafting of estimates, the follow-up of the customer, the administrative steps with the instructing services (Departmental Directions of the Territories, Chambers of Agriculture, etc.)

What I like the most in my job :

The dual role of studies and fieldwork. I am often required to travel in order to carry out biomass analyses (soil, compost, ashes, etc.), meet with clients, organize meetings, and manage different sized sites (2 to 10 people).

Diplomas obtained at the IMPGT :

Master 2 Public Management course - Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally (2019-2020).

Master 2 DDGTPMI (2019-2020)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Project manager for economic development - Vaucluse Provence Attractivité
Mon métier en 3 mots
Réseau, écoute, recherche
My job can be divided into 3 parts: The first part (50%) consists in accompanying companies in their establishment on the territory (helping them to identify & mobilize public and private financial resources, finding talents, legal & administrative support, identifying a site of establishment, opening our net […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
Project manager for economic development - Vaucluse Provence Attractivité
Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMI (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Réseau, écoute, recherche

My job can be divided into 3 parts: The first part (50%) consists of assisting companies in their establishment on the territory (helping them to identify & mobilize public and private financial resources, finding talents, legal & administrative support, identifying a site of establishment, opening our network to them).

The second part (30%) is in territorial marketing: identifying the elements of communication and developing a sales pitch favorable to the capture of companies, federating our network through the organization of events.

The third part (20%) is international prospecting on different trade shows in order to identify potential companies interested and likely to settle in the Vaucluse.

What I like most about my job :

  • Finding solutions for companies
  • Taking ownership and learning to sell my territory
  • Bridging my industrial knowledge with my previous professional experiences

Degrees earned at IMPGT:

Master 1 Public Management (2018-2019)
Master 2 Public Management - Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally (2019-2020)

Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMI (2019-2020)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Cyrielle GROUARD
Métier actuel
Project Manager - Conservatoire du littoral - PIM Initiative Association
Mon métier en 3 mots
Diversifié, international, enrichissant 
I am in charge of the follow-up of projects: follow-up of the realization of the activities by the partners, budget follow-up, sometimes to organize events (face-to-face or remote) - speakers, contents, support, communication, management of the providers, logistics - , or international trainings - logistics, […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Cyrielle GROUARD
Métier actuel
Project Manager - Conservatoire du littoral - PIM Initiative Association
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017) -Master 1 MP (2017-2018) - Master 2 Research (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMIl (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Diversifié, international, enrichissant 

I am in charge of project follow-up: follow-up of the realization of activities by partners, budget follow-up, sometimes to organize events (face-to-face or remote) - speakers, contents, support, communication, management of service providers, logistics - , or international trainings - logistics, contents - management of social networks, production of technical documents, call for projects (diffusion or application).

All of this in the context of international cooperation in the management of coastal and island natural areas.

What I like most about my job:

  • The diversity of topics (communication, biodiversity, environment, sustainable development, finance and budget, management, governance ...) and the people I meet on these topics.
  • The diversity of skills needed to achieve them (organizational, intellectual and knowledge, relational...).
  • The challenges
  • The knowledge that I develop
  • The fact that I travel abroad as part of my missions

Degrees obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017)
Master 1 Public Management (2017-2018)
Master 2 Research, studies and consulting in management sciences (2018-2019)
Master 2 Public Management - Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally (2019-2020)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2014-2017) -Master 1 MP (2017-2018) - Master 2 Research (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMIl (2019-2020)
Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
General Affairs Officer - Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis
Mon métier en 3 mots
Réactivité, transversalité, communication
This is a cross-functional position that allows for a variety of missions, both administrative (HR, finance and public procurement) and operational (reception, logistics, management of the institution's hemicycle). It covers all areas of management in general (team management, HR, etc.) and project management […]
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Prénom NOM de l'étudiant.e
Métier actuel
General Affairs Officer - Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis
Bachelor's degree in public administration (2015-2018) -Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMI (2019-2020)
Mon métier en 3 mots
Réactivité, transversalité, communication

This is a cross-functional position that allows for a variety of missions, both administrative (HR, finance and public procurement) and operational (reception, logistics, management of the institution's hemicycle). We touch on all areas of management in general (team management, HR, etc.) and project management (implementation of certification, procedures, event management, coordination and projects with various departments, etc.).

What I like most about my job :

  • The relationship it requires: It allows me to meet different people every week but also to build long-lasting working relationships with other departments or external service providers.
  • The urgency: you have to be reactive in order to respond to the requests of politicians but also of agents.
  • It does not directly serve the user, but allows to support and facilitate all the departments in the realization of their missions by creating the appropriate conditions so that they can implement public policies and thus render an optimal service to users.

Degrees obtained at IMPGT:

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2015-2018)
Master 1 Public Management (2018-2019)
Master 2 Public Management - Sustainable development and territorial governance of projects in the Mediterranean and internationally (2019-2020)

Bachelor's degree in public administration (2015-2018) -Master 1 MP (2018-2019) - Master 2 DDGTPMI (2019-2020)


Educational managers :

Photo du contact
Céline Du Boys
Lecturer | Academic Director of Master's degree programs : Public Management Year 1 / Public Administrations Management Year 2
Photo du contact
Emmanuelle Moustier
In charge of cross-functionality
Lecturer | Academic Director of Master's degree program :Sustainable Development and Territorial Project Management in Mediterranean Area and internationally Year 2

Schooling department :

Mona Bouder
Schooling Manager - Aix
Jenny Ottosson
Master's degree program Registrar : MQGRS - MDDGTPMI - SMT (Year 2) ; in charge of international relations